Saturday, November 06, 2010

Book Gifts From God & Two Great Links

One of my first thoughts when Tom was downsized?

"Drats. No more ordering books online. I'll just have to borrow/request them from the library."

And ok, that's not sooo bad, especially when you have an adorable tiny library in your adorable tiny town. But I just don't get down there much (I'm not sure why). Yet I was willing to make changes, return to my old way of reading books--just borrowing, not keeping.

But then God came along. More than ever since August 31st (D Day around our house), He's led me to sales with perfect books at perfect prices. More often than before D Day, even.

See the book presents He gave me yesterday?:

Plus one more, a back-to-the-land/wilderness book(!) called Arctic Daughter by Jean Aspen (NancyR--do you have that one? Look it up if you don't, ok?) :)

All seven books cost me just $3.50, total. Combined. That's less than the price of shipping on one book from And just driving down to the library a few times to pick up these books which, most likely, I'd have to request through the inter-library loan, would cost that much in gas.

So I am blessed and God keeps blessing me, but only when I rely on Him for my needs and wants and not when I huff and puff and force and pry open and make things happen from plans and schemes from my own head.

I am blessed when I do not lead, but rather, when I follow. He always knows exactly where the best books, friends, blogs, churches, stores, sales, jobs, houses, etc., are waiting for me.


At the Youngstown library book sale, I stood at the table and thumbed through the gorgeous 'children's book', A Year Is A Window, and gasped at the lovely, zip-you-to-your-childhood artwork. I thought, "Oh! These drawings are like those calendars from Woman's Day magazine, the ones I've lost over the years but wished I could find again." And later, in the car, I read that yes! Erik Blegvad's amazing illustrations first appeared in a 1963 issue of Woman's Day Magazine. Alas.

You remember those little calendar booklets, right?


Oh! Just found this: Ten Habits of Happy Moms. Loved it. Please don't miss this if you have small children at home.


And if you dream of farming, you'll love this post describing Jenna's farm morning.


Great listeners make great followers.



  1. As we like to say here in NC "God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good". Way too often we feel like it us that to do everything and when we look at our resources or abilities we think it can't happen but forget the one who has it all and can make it happen. Thanks for bringing this up today girl.

  2. I saw you had stopped by to look at the sign in our yard. We had it carved and decorated on our honeymoon in Gatlinburg, TN back in 2002. You and Tom have a great weekend.

  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I'll check out a couple of those book suggestions! I love the title, "A Window Over the Sink".

  4. I too have the Kitchen Gardens book and I love it. It is illustrated by Tasha Tudor (my favorite artist- When I was a little girl I wanted to live in one of her drawings) it is out of print and goes for a good deal more than $3.50 on ebay. Well done and enjoy your books.

  5. I bought the Kitchen Garden book (used) earlier this year and loved it so much, it stayed on my coffee table all summer.

    It will come out again when I'm longing for spring. :)


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