Monday, October 18, 2010

Yesterday In Our Backyard

Oh, yesterday was autumnally glorious, all windy-blowy, sixty sunny degrees with laundry hanging on the line and rainbow trees towering over me, taller than any problem on Earth.

(Click on any photo to feel more like you were there.) :)

A corner of the 'ballroom' with the oak trees in their orange gowns.


  1. Just beautiful (sigh) Here in Virginia we are just starting to get a hint of fall color. It is nice to get a preview of things to come.

  2. The colors are really beautiful Debra. We are on our first full day at sea and there is food everywhere and so far it is all so good. The colors are amazing and one deck is called the kalidascope deck and has ceilings that change colors. A definate start to a good week. Take care and we will be touching base from time to time.

  3. Trees and vegetation speak through their colors and seasonal moods. Thanks for sharing the photos and insights.

  4. lovely pics! what a beautiful yard God gave you ... :o) ... and i know the work you've put into it too!!!!

    blessings on you guys... (hugs)


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