Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What I've Been Doing Lately

We have company arriving today!

Two friends of ours from Fallon, Nevada who we've not seen in seventeen years (because they moved shortly after we did) are traveling cross-country and will arrive around noon-ish. Following lunch we'll take Darcy and her naval-officer daughter, Johanna, to Niagara Falls and hooray! This is our last day of warmth, 60 degrees, before tomorrow when it starts spitting snow.

God's timing is terrific.

So anyway, I've been cleaning house and the yard and am being tested like crazy. You know, like when right after you vacuum a rug, the cat walks over and throws up on it. Or you wash the bath towels and suddenly they are needed for all sorts of cat-washing, water-spilling emergencies and must be washed and hung to dry again. Light bulbs burn out, you can't find that extra bedspread and something gets chipped and needs to be repainted.

I've had whole weeks of that sort of thing, tests galore, and it's been a test just keeping my peace. But I crave peace, so I keep on keeping on, trying not to complain, but often failing that test, too.

Alas, with all these tests I'm thinking it will be a great visit. ツ


Has anyone had any experience with Ad Sense? I'm considering adding it to my blog for a little extra income. But if it's going to be a headache, I'll pass. So let me know what you've heard or experienced, ok?

I've also considered returning to writing poems for publication and perhaps devotionals.

Many money-making possibilities exist out there. It just becomes a matter of staying pro-active, watchful and discovering which jobs God wants me to accept.



  1. OH! Have a wonderful time with your friends! (I know you will)..our BFF's are coming tomorrow thru Monday, and I'm fighting a flu-bug, ugh!

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    you might want to try for the book selling (they pay for postage too)

  3. Lot's of wonderful anticipation going on at your place. By now, I'm sure your guests have arrived and you are having a wonderful time.
    Enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine...and most of all the fellowship!


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