Saturday, October 16, 2010

R.I.P. June Cleaver

Oh dear. Barbara Billingsley, a.k.a. June Cleaver, passed away today.

Just this past week I'd researched June Cleaver online as I do sometimes and tried to find as many positive remarks as I could. It's not easy. There's such hatred out there for June and for any woman who emulates her, for whole throngs of people just don't get June and they certainly don't understand us who love her, either.

But for me? Oh my. All I have to do is look at a picture of June Cleaver, she in her dress and pearls standing inside of her tv kitchen and poof! I'm inspired to clean something. Anything. To cook and sew curtains and rearrange the furniture. Change the sheets and dust beneath the bed.

The occasional glimpse of Barbara on tv interviews had the same effect upon me. The interview would end, I'd smile, and--if I'd been sulky about cleaning house--well, the sulkiness always evaporated. I'd don an apron and yes, I'd clean something. Or fold something. And the joy, the rampant creativity and freedom of homemaking would return and hang around for days.

I love it when I can just look at a person, or simply remember her, and then feel peace or inspiration or new strength. What power there is in that. And what a necessity, especially in these turbulent days of rebellion, to know certain faces can still nudge you to do and feel right again.

God is so good to place such needed inspiration in our paths. And always, I'll be grateful for Barbara, for June, for both these women. Always, I'll be glad they were part of my world when I needed them so much.


Here's an obituary which I thought lovely.



  1. Hi Debra. I was just thinking about Barbara Billingsley this week, too! I mentioned to my sister that I was in the mood to wear clothes that I would imagine Mrs. Cleaver wearing. I went shopping to 2 vintage clothing stores this week looking for "Judy Bond" and "Bobby(i) Brooks" blouses, with no luck. Barbara Billingsley had a style and grace that is rare these days. She will be missed by many.

  2. I too Debra only have fond memories of June and think that was one of the best show ever on TV. She was truly a gift to us. Linda and I will be heading out in a little while for Norfolk to board the Carnival Glory for a week of relaxation and renewal. I will be able to stay in touch so I will be checking back later.

  3. I hadn't heard that she had passed. Thank you for letting us know and for your lovely tribute to June/Barbara. :)

  4. Awwwwwwwww, I'm so sorry to hear that Barbara has passed on. Another one of the olden-portrayers-of-nice-characters.

    How interesting that you had recently been moved, to do a search on her. And how sad, that it was hard to find positive remarks. So sad.

    Well, their loss...

    We can always remember what a lovely lady she was, and how she was a good influence. Lucky us!

    Gentle hugs...

  5. Added this sad news, to my today's entry. And linked back to this post by you, of course. And said I found the news, here.

    Gentle hugs...


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