Sunday, October 31, 2010

Here's Something Extremely Rare...

...... a decent picture of me. :)

(I'm in the center, Tom's to my left and Darcy is to my right.)

Usually I hate most pictures of me, you know the ol', "Who is that chubby, washed-out old lady??" thing, but in this photo I may just look a tad younger than my 51 years. And that's the shocking part. heh.

Johanna must be one magical photographer, indeed.


In the photo we're standing beside the American Falls at Niagara Falls on the U.S. side. Oh, and that's Canada (Niagara Falls, Ontario) behind us if you're not familiar with The Falls.


  1. Awww.., you are young and beautiful! And not a bit chubby.

  2. your pretty
    love your peaceful face

  3. I agree with your other friends Debra, you are very attractive and have a beautiful smile. I know Tom would agree. Have always wanted to see the falls but it such a long way from NC. Have an awesome week.

  4. It is a great picture of you!
    Have probably stood on that exact same spot.
    Background looks different since I was there 45 years ago.

  5. You're beautiful! And from here in NC you don't look a single bit chubby or washed out. :)
    So nice to put a face to the blog.

  6. You really should post more photos of YOU because you are gorgeous! :)

  7. wonderful picture!

  8. What a great photo! A Great view and you look wonderful! Don't let the worlds values mess with your ability to accept yourself(something I have to remind myself of ALL the time)
    Thanks for sharing,
    Lisa :o)

  9. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Great picture, Debra, you look just lovely and the Falls aren't bad, either! Joyce

  10. Very nice picture! Don't you just love it, when a good one gets taken? ,-) Or rather, when a pic we like of ourselves, gets taken? :-)

  11. Nice picture of you and Tom, you do luck younger then 51? that will be $50 please :)


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