Friday, September 03, 2010

Sowing. Be Always Sowing.

Well, at least we have our new kitchen floor.

And I so love it, especially when the sun shines upon it and even though I've not finished the parts around the edges. This little blip in the road we're experiencing brought a halt to that, but hopefully, I'll finish today.

So it feels like we have a new kitchen and this is yet one more thing where Tom and I see God so very clearly. The whole floor will have cost just $10! Why? Because God led us to the right yard sale. He's so remarkable like that.

And it comes to me that, for ever so long now, God has been preparing us for this jobless season.

There have been the incredible deals at yard sales, yes. Yet there were also His nudges whenever a tipping opportunity arrived at coffee-aroma'd cafe's and full service gas stations and with workers on our homes and delivery folks, too. See, God whispered to us for years, "Give a good tip. More than the requirement. And even if they're not expecting one. Give anyway. Give generously,"

Year after year, all those seeds He asked us to sow! And now Tom and I see that God was instructing us to be generous, teaching us to unwind our grippy little fingers from around our cash so to show kindness and to sow seeds for a later harvest in our own lives. Later as in now.

Always, the temptation at times when you lose your job is to stop giving. To keep, keep, keep for an even rainier day. To stop tithing, even. But that's not the way God thinks. He thinks this:

"Give and it shall be given unto you..."

It's those seeds He uses, sprouts and waters. The seeds we sow out of obedience. He must have something to work with first!

So give Him some seeds.

May Tom and I always remember to lavishly fling those seeds around as God directs. May we never, ever stop giving.

Especially now.


"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." ... Luke 6:38


Tom and I are feeling, like, three-hundred percent better and we know much of that is because of your prayers. We can actually move our arms now--oh my, the effects of shock are wild! So we truly do thank each of you who has prayed for us. Keep it up! :)


  1. I am so glad to hear that your spirits are up. Many times it is those suprising things that really knock us off of our feet and we need a little time to process what is going on. I am glad to hear that God is taking care of you and showing you the blessings He has been giving you.
    Lisa :O)

  2. I'm glad you guys are feeling better. I did laugh when you wrote "we can even move our arms now." And "wild" -- you do make me smile, you wild thing you.

    Hold onto God and each other through this time, and you'll be OK.


  3. I have such a short attention span...and I think I have tought the same sort of attention span to the kids...

    I meant to say, that our Pastor was preaching on this principal, how it applies to so many areas in our lives, how it works in as a general rule. And I am reminded how impatient I get for sprouts, or how forgetful I get about weeds, and weather or not I planted "that particular row at all"


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