Saturday, September 18, 2010

Off The Train and Back to Real Life

Ok. Time to depart from the train (with perhaps occasional future mentions) and return to the Real World.

What is my Real World like today? Oh my. The weather is so gorgeous, so autumnally-exquisite that I'm having trouble absorbing the pure splendor.

This morning, in all the outdoors glory, I picked apples from just two branches of an orchard tree and lugged in a whole bucket into the house. With just a few, I made applesauce.

That's when Tom's friend, Al, arrived to clear our back meadow as he does once each year. So then I gathered more tomatoes from the garden and made spaghetti sauce, then added it to sauteed vegetables and cooked lasagna noodles. Out on our patio Tom, Al and I enjoyed the vegetable lasagna (my own squash inside there, too) and the applesauce. 

Just like one of those homegrown meals other country ladies make, ones which you feel good, eating.

Ever since arriving home, Tom and I have felt such peace! 

We felt it on the train, also, and everywhere else on our vacation. Before leaving, God instructed us to set aside the joblessness and just enjoy ourselves. So we tried that. We didn't pretend everything was fine, but rather, we rested in knowing everything will be ok.

And now back at home? God is so with us and we're being so careful to watch our words and our thoughts--to keep them faith-filled and positive. And to put into practice all we have learned in the past.

Just know that we are fine. Tom is still jobless, but well, we're better than fine, really, on this gorgeous, incredible, breezy, autumn-slant-of-light afternoon.



  1. Your attitude, your willingness to let God into every area of your life and do as He wills, your ability to gain perspective quickly, and being so REAL in all of it...well, it just moves me to tears,Debra!
    What a blessings and encouragement your are!!
    Big Hug to you!!

  2. I love your attitude Debra and know in my heart that you and Tom are firmly in God's hands and all will be OK. Can't wait to hear the details. Until then continue basking in His Glory.

  3. Now you have me anxious to know what the phone call is about! I am guessing a possible new job?

    I find your positive attitude during this time of joblessness both courageous and an inspiration, Debra! I don't know that I could be so calm if I was in that position. But I thank you for sharing your life with us through your blog. :)

  4. I feel happier than I can well describe to read your words today, Debra. Every beautiful moment we ever have is a gift from God and you are not a woman to be backward in saying thank you and inspiring others to do the same. And thank YOU for that.

  5. this is the day the Lord has made - we will rejoice and be glad in it! :o)

    reading your post made me smile ... and i was soo soo very glad you guys stepped away from your world to go on that train trip ... ya for God's grace towards us!!!!!

    continued blessings on ya!


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