Friday, September 03, 2010

A Blogging Break

Well, folks... Ol' Debra is going to take a blogging break of about 10 days or so.

Now, don't panic. This has nothing to do with Tom's being laid off from his job. And it's not like I need to 'get away from it all', either. No, there is a type of project involved, something which has a bit to do with my earlier request for your book recommendations.

In the meantime, feel free to read my archives. I recently passed my 6th year blogging anniversary, so there's plenty to read, even a whole other life which I lived in the burbs. :)

I'll greatly miss you, my faithful readers. You add more to my life than you realize. Honest you do. I'm always grateful for those of you who 'get me.'

So be sure to take good care of yourselves so that you'll all be here when I return, ok? This blog just wouldn't be the same without you.

And let's just leave it as a happy sort of mystery, ok? One which will be solved (and written all about) around the middle of this month.

Bye for now!



  1. Enjoy your time off.

  2. Take care...enjoy whatever free time you get and stay safe.

  3. oh, I will miss you my friend, but happy that you will be back shortly!

  4. blessings on you ... and Tom ...

  5. Mysterious Debra! Hope you read some good books! We'll be eager to "hear all" when you return to the land of blogging!

  6. You'll be greatly missed, Debra! Enjoy your time away from blogging. :)

  7. Dolores12:52 PM

    I'll miss your posts. Enjoy your break.

  8. I'll miss you too. Enjoy living in your mystery :)

  9. Hello?! Knock knock knock! Is Debra back yet? It's been ten days!


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