Sunday, August 08, 2010

A Country Weekend

What a countryside weekend!

Tom and I visited Becker Farms and fed baby goats, patted a horse's head and ate ice cream at a picnic bench where I finished reading Just Shy of Harmony (adored that book).

We also drove to yard sales, but bought nothing which is wonderful since this next weekend will find us hosting our own yard sale along with Naomi. Oh, I am feeling ruthless! Especially after having watched the hoarding lady for the third time on Oprah. Wow. 

We picnicked again beside the cemetery where Tom's ggggg-grandfather is buried (how amazing to move to New York from Nevada and find him here!). We walked over to the grave and amongst others, many with people born in the 1700's, and thought our own thoughts and shared some, also.

We attended our local county fair and in the sunshine and breezes visited chickens, bunnies, cows, horses and pigs. We spoke with our neighbors, Rich and Bev, at the classic car show and picked our favorite car --a red and white 1957 Corvette. So very Paul Drake-ish (you know, from Perry Mason). 

Tom and I sat at an outdoor table with our hamburgers and cherry pie and listened to a mid-50's guy sing quite good country karaoke. I felt teary-eyed sitting there, surrounded by other people, and it was one of those times God whispered to me, "Know why you're feeling blessed? That person is doing exactly what I've called him to do. He's using the talent I gave him."

I love it when that happens. 

Another weekend to remember. We've had so very many.



  1. What a wonderful week end!! I enjoyed reading about it :o)

  2. I love visiting cemeterys!
    My ggg-grandfather is buried in St. Mary's, GA in a beautiful old one full of giant live oaks covered in Spanish moss. I often "lunched" with him in winter. (summer it's too hot and full of yellow flies.)


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