Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Good Tired Vs. Bad

I prefer to end my days with Good Tired.

But Bad Tired, instead, happens when I spend my most energetic hours on the computer staring at Facebook, blogs or emails, instead of being, well, productive. To everything there is a season and there are 'seasons' to my days. A time to be online and a time to hop up and work.

Bad Tired also happens when I work, work, work while sulking, "I hate this. If only I could pay someone to do it for me." Or while shoving things around, thinking, "Tom should have done all this yesterday. I shouldn't have to clean up his messes. #&^%$%."

Bad Tired happens when I waited all day, hours and hours, for the perfect time-- and it never came. Or when I spent the entire day slouched before the tv watching the latest news disaster, play by play by play.

But Good Tired! Good Tired happens when when I do my hardest chores at my most energetic time instead of waiting until day's end. When I mow the lawn while feeling glad we even have one or when I wash the dishes feeling grateful we have those, too. 

Or when my physical energy is depleted, I do sit-down-stuff like going online or folding laundry. Or when I pause just to sit, smile and whisper with God.

There are natural rhythms to me and to my days, too. 

Rivers, even, of natural-flowing energy, of Grace and of rest. May I follow and obey them with gladness, gratitude and wisdom, accomplishing everything which needs to be done.



  1. Debra! I just stumbled on your blog and I absolutely loved this post. I know what you mean about those unproductive days :( And I really loved how you said 'waiting for the perfect time'.

    Anyways, I look forward to reading more from this 'annoying' (NOT) homemaker :)

  2. Debra, what a good post. I need to work on that doing things when I have energy! Doing them gladly. Thanks for reminding me.

  3. And where did you find this amazing picture! Talk about barely keeping one's head above water!

  4. Sarira--so glad to see you here and thanks for your comment! Hope you'll visit again.

    Kristi--I found this picture at I can't recall the search words I used, though. I liked it because it's as though she's going with the (good, peaceful) flow. :)

    Blessings, Debra

  5. I've had more bad tired days than I care to admit. A wonderful post!

  6. I'm all too familiar with good VS bad tired! Yesterday was a good tired event though by evening, I ached and walked like the Old Man character that Tim Conway played on the Carol Burnet Show!

  7. You are so right Debra !

  8. Dolores9:24 AM

    Beautiful Post!


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