Sunday, May 30, 2010

Finally... whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Phil. 4:8,9


What an amazing weekend so far! Both Friday and Saturday found Tom and me zooming along the countryside admiring gorgeous old farms and in search of estate sales and any kind of sale in anybody's yard, barn, shed or back porch.

Oh my, the home owners at some of these sales had landscaped their yards into lovely country havens, with gorgeous flowers, all colors, and fountains, rock pools and old garden sheds surrounded by more flowers, wagon wheels, antique well pumps and other garden decor all under trees of every zone 5 type and barns and vines and lamp posts. And more.

Happy sigh.

But you know what the temptation is, don't you? It's to allow all this creativity and country splendor to discourage Tom and me, we who bought our tiny farm just two years ago this weekend. How tempting to wish, covet and complain that it's taking forever to make our place look creatively inspiring. And how simple to disregard all the years of hard work, money and upkeep required by those homeowners to create their shangri-la's.

Yet at those times, I remind myself of the verse, above. I make myself recall the tasks already completed around here, the progress made. And although much more is needed to be done, oh! Much has been accomplished. And it's those finished things which I love to run before my eyes like a film strip in slow motion until the gratitude rises to its proper place.

In all areas of my life there's still much to complete, much to experience and do, and may I accept and appreciate every challenge and view each one thankfully. For what would Life be like, really, if all was completed? If no tasks remained?

It would, I guess, be like The End. And I'm not ready for that(!) 

Not yet, anyway, so in the meantime? I'll enjoy this farmland journey and find my peace not only in accomplishment, but in the wonderful God who leads me.


Speaking of yard sales, did you see in the photo above, what I bought for just $1? Yes, an early of These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Wow. And yes, I caught the comparative significance of that title.  シ



  1. Lucky you to have found These Happy Golden Years with the Helen Sewell illustrations. Not that I don't also love the Grant Williams ones......In fact, I always smile to myself remembering the woman on the maud list who, when she was a little girl, thought that Grant Williams actually followed the family on the travels, camping "at a respectful distance" from their campsite each night and making drawings of all they did! I love it! And I am so happy that you and Tom are enjoying some Happy Golden Years!

  2. drop over when ya can :-)

  3. Sound like a perfect "shopping" trip! What great finds you stumbled upon!
    I will choose today to think on the "whatsoevers"'s sure to make it a good day!

  4. first of all, that particular book was my favorite romance "novel" as a teen while others were reading more, ahem, mature books. read it over and over and over! secondly, i think you and i are on the same home & garden plan! we moved to my grandparents' home in march 2009 and i still have those moments of wanting it done NOW! happily, we are also learning to enjoy the journey making each step a little more significant. love to you!


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