Monday, April 26, 2010

A Weekend, A Birthday

Here's our little McCartney The Cat on the spot where she always waits while I dish up her food. Isn't she cute for being an old lady of 65 (13 in our years)? Love her spacey green eyes. ツ

And here's our dining room as of yesterday. I tried placing it in my blog header, but good ol' Blogger can't handle that right now. Again, there are problems when I try to shrink it to fit.
(IWillBePatientIWillBePatientIWillBePatient...) But please do notice the crab apple tree with its pink buds. Such vibrancy turns my head whenever I walk through that room.

Today is the World's Best Husband's birthday! (Yes, I'm speaking of Tom). We had a three day celebration weekend with yard sales, estate sales, country drives past more 1800's farms we'd not yet seen and lunch at a favorite cafe in a nearby town. Naomi came for a birthday visit on Saturday and we showed her the new improvements on the garage and chatted around the table. Two sunny days of fun and yard work and one rainy day of relaxation. Just right. Just perfect.



  1. Dolores8:22 AM

    Happy Birthday Tom!

  2. Happy Birthday Tom!

  3. Happy Birthday to Tom! Just reading about all the happy things in your world makes me smile! It's glorious spring here too, though a rainy day. But that's just what our dry world has needed in northeast Ohio.

  4. Happy Birthday Tom! Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I love that dinning room of yours so cozy and relaxing. have a great week.

  5. Happy Birthday to Tom! And McCartney is really cute. I had a cat named Mercedes who lived to be 20 in Human Years, can you believe? I hope the two cats I have now last as long. (And my dog, too!)


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