Monday, April 05, 2010

Watch-out! Suzy Homemaker is back in town. Woo hoo!

Yes, after five-and-a-half weeks, Tom has returned to work. Light duty, desk work, yes, but he's there at the plant again and I am here at home alone with Lennon and McCartney The Cats as Big Band Era music blares in celebration while I write to you.

And plans! My, do I have plans for today. Painting and gardening and laundry and cleaning and doing all those tasks left undone, those staring at me, while Tom was home resting his shoulder. Maybe I'll even stroll down to our tiny market or a bit farther to the town library. Who knows? I can do whatever I want today for however long I wish. (Well, I can't drive anywhere since Tom has taken the car, but who needs to drive on a lovely springtime Monday?)

And even though many people 'out there' are bummed that it's Monday and some are home dreading tackling the tasks staring at them, well, as for me and my house, we'll spend the day together, rejoicing that normality, all smiley and glad, has returned.


A HUGE thank-you to NancyR for recommending the book, Fifty Acres and a Poodle. It arrived last week and I read it in one (one!) day. A lovely, funny book which I could not put down. You can read about this fun book here and buy it for just three pennies(!), though with cheaper shipping prices and totals at

Thanks again, Nancy!


  1. Enjoy!

    I can go thrift shopping again - I'm sooooo happy too!

    (well. actually. i cannot today. will have tiny visitors. and i am sick. but you know what i mean. i COULD.)

  2. It sounds like a great day!

  3. Welcome back, Suzy! It sounds like great fun! Don't you love the picture of the woman all dressed up, with pearls, and probably stocking, and heels, to clean her house. That was my mother. And those were good days.

  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    You are welcome!
    I thought you would enjoy that book.
    The sequel, "Fifty Acres and a Family", is also very good.

  5. I need this book! It's on my list for sure!
    I think we homemakers who are so blessed to be home every day don't dread Monday's one little bit. It's a fresh start to a new week for us...filled with whatever we want to fill it with. Enjoy yours to pieces!

  6. It's wonderful he is better. So delightful to hear the joy in your tone.

  7. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Yes Debra I too loved my Susie Homemaker days but remember one day your husband will be home all day when he retires! He will not be going back to work! :) I am just at that point now and it is a whole new life. You have to figure out how to get your work and some fun projects you want to do in between the 3 meals you cook every day and the interruptions from hubby. Then there are the many times he wants you to drop everything at a moments notice to help him hold a board or get ready to go someplace. So having any sort of even rough schedule of chores is almost out the window!! I'll get this figured out one day. I sure wish homemakers who have gone, or are going through this transition would get together on the net and discuss this. We will all be there someday and any mentoring on the subject would be helpful!! :) Anna


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