Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The 'Well With My Soul People'

"When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul."*


I have friends on Facebook who are freaking-out about this new health care bill. 

They use their status updates to complain about it and threaten about the November election, making dire predictions about how we'll all suffer when the world comes to an end because of this (well...). 

Oh, the fear, frustration and anger in their words!

But I've other friends on Facebook, ones I call Well With My Soul People. They've not lost their peace, their status reports remain calm and a delight. They're not panicking or imagining dire scenarios nor cowering in corners, watching at windows for The Worst to creep up to their front doors. 

They are steady as ever, trusting, praying.

Now, do I believe we should be required by law to buy health insurance? Or do I believe the government should, once again, be so intricately involved in our daily lives? 

Uh, not even. (And don't even mention the FDA to me!) 

But neither do I confess to understanding this whole health care bill and I certainly don't believe in handing over to our government my whole peace of mind.

I am drawn to Well With My Soul People. They're my heroes. They remind me that God is still God and He is still a good provider. They illustrate to me what really matters in this Life and they help keep me balanced and my days, a joy. 

I admire them. And I need them, also.


"Fear brings torment..." 1 John 4:18


* Words of It Is Well With My Soul written by Horatio Spafford


  1. Wonderfully said Debra !

  2. you an I both :) Enjoy your day. I looked into the concepts of the referral . We are doing many of the things he suggests. Thank you for the kindness.
    I hope beauty overtakes you and gives your heart a squeeze

  3. It is well with my soul.

    There is an overwhelming amount of fear being bandied about these days. And we know what fear causes.

  4. I don't understand the ugliness and the fear.

    Love the pictures of your daughter.

  5. Oh how I wish I could get this message deep into the heart of some people...all is well with my soul too.

  6. all is well and as it should be, I pray that it shall be so

    we will endure what is bestowed to us


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