Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My birthday yesterday was great fun and filled with much grace.

Did Tom and I go out to eat? Did we go see a movie? Did we take a country drive? Did we have a huge, wild, noisy party?

Uh, no.

No, the sun shone bright all day and I lounged on our porch until lunchtime when I drove down to our tiny country town to pick up lunch (and cookies) which Tom and I ate while watching Perry Mason (we are so addicted to that show). 

Then I did yard work in the fresh, soft air for the first time this year--raked some leaves, swept some gravel off the concrete, picked up probably 100 pine cones (you think I'm exaggerating?). 

I received lovely birthday wishes here and on Facebook all day long. Naomi called. So did my mom. And when I got on the scale, I'd even lost two whole pounds (which is right up there with any modern day miracle) and it was a great hair day, too!

Every moment felt enchanted. And how lovely to reach an age where better does not mean bigger, grander, wilder.

I forgot to tell you what happened to me last week at our little corner market. I'd just paid for a loaf of bread when from behind me, poof! The bread delivery guy appeared with a new loaf in his hand. He asked me, "Would you like this fresh loaf of bread, instead?" Oh wow. I smiled at him and said, "Yes. Thank-you!" Then he took back the old loaf and left me with the fresh one.

I came home and told Tom about that and I smiled all the rest of the day. That was so a God Thing. A whisper from Him that I'm in His thoughts, that He notices things and He cares about me.

Loved that. Appreciated that.


I so appreciated your birthday wishes! They are God Things, too, and made me smile and feel appreciated all day yesterday.



  1. I do love your description of your birthday, Debra, especially the new loaf of bread. And your gift of seeing God's love for you everywhere, and counting your blessings.

  2. Sounds like a perfectly lovely day, Debra. :)

  3. I am glad you had a wonderful day!
    It sounds lovely!

  4. Well I missed it, which is normal for me

    happy belated birthday and I'm glad you had a good day and fresh bread is super


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