Monday, January 18, 2010

Of Bunny Dogs

Speaking of creativity (my last post) here's a cute, creative idea. Years ago a friend of ours introduced us to 'bunny dogs' which he'd been served in a local hamburger joint on the Niagara River. What are bunny dogs, you ask? They are steamed carrots in a hot dog bun which you top with condiments just as you would a hot dog.

I loved my first two, but after some time and more bunny dogs down the road, well, the love affair fizzled. heh. But they're a healthier alternative to traditional, chemicals-and-who-knows-what-else-laced hot dogs. Gotta love that.

Here's a recipe, but basically you just steam whole, peeled carrots till they're tender, grill them a bit if you like, then place them into hot dog buns and top with your favorite condiments. Then enjoy them while feeling clever and better about what you are eating.


Here's another recipe, the one where I found the above nifty photo.


  1. Heh. I'll have to try one in my next chili dog and see if I notice the difference! :-P

    Speaking of weiners, have you tried Hebrew National Brand? They are kosher, so good ingredients, plus they taste exactly like ALL weenies tasted when we were kids. They are all we use any more.

    Pecan Corner

  2. Very smart...but you can't fool me. I still like an occasional Kogel or Hebrew National hot dog. Oh that I weren't such a hard head!!

  3. Sorry, but I think I'll pass on this one. lol! I'll stick to Hebrew National too. And guess what? They only come 7 in a package!

  4. The bunny dog makes me want to see summer and go out and get those Hebrew Nationals.

    Then too, I don't like carrots.


  5. If I were a bunny, these would be perfect. But alas, I like the pork.

    I buy my dogs from a local farmer who feeds the pigs only table scraps/veggies from their organic farm. Four ingredients: Pork, water, salt and spices. They are soooo good.


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