Friday, January 01, 2010

Don't you just love the beginning of a new year? The chance to start over, begin fresh, try again and renew hopes of change?

I do.

This year I hope to (among other things) act upon the lessons I've learned my previous 50 years. And oh my, have there ever been lessons! Hundreds. And while I'll, of course, learn new lessons, I'm anticipating acting upon what I've already learned, often the hard way. Some afternoons I think, maybe by the time I'm 80 I'll get everything right. :)

And I do hope you noticed the lack of awful guilt and condemnation in that paragraph, for those two things will only slow me down. I mean, how many runners ever win a race while kicking themselves down the track? No, I'll choose the conviction of God over guilt and condemnation, for hope and encouragement and unconditional love come woven into conviction. Give me conviction any day!

Happy New Year to all my special readers! I look forward to us growing-up together.


Here is a gift from me to you, a Susan Boyle song which is perfect for this first day of a new year. Let me know if you love it as much as I do.


"New Year's Day is every man's birthday." ~Charles Lamb


"... let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." ... Hebrews 12:1


  1. Happy New Year, Debra!

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Hi Debra,
    Happy New Year 2010. May you truly be blessed this coming year with all that God has planned for you.
    That song seemed perfect for Susan Boyle, that's for sure - very inspirational lyrics.
    Keep up the good work here and on GladysFriends.
    Your friend,
    Debbie V.

  3. I seriously just laughed out loud when I read what you wrote: "how many runners ever win a race while kicking themselves down the track?" and it's officially one of my favorite quotes ever.

    It's funny you posted this because something I read last night regarding organizing (or not organizing as the author's case may be) and having the mercy and grace to allow life to happen in a less controlled manner spoke to me. I've been in an organizing FRENZY this past week, knowing full well a lot of it had to do with something internal. This idea of mercy has been simmering inside me since I read that post last night and now this morning I read your post. Methinks there's a theme going on here. :)

  4. happy wonderful pretty imperfectly crazy faith-filled mellow miraculous new year to my interior decorating soul sister! i've got my eyes on the skies for that chopper.

  5. New Year - newer lessons - new outlook - new days! Nothing better!

    I'll gladly let God do the judging..gets me off my back and keeps me on my toes - Happy New Begining to you :-)

  6. Happy New Year! I'm a little late getting here, but I know you'll forgive me because I know you know what I was doing. :)

    I loved your post about what to share with certain people. I agree so much... there are many topics I don't discuss with people in my life. It's easier to not say words than to try to retrieve them after they've already been said.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.