Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So Tom and I are headed out the door this morning to the town we moved from. He has a dentist appointment (nannynannynanny...heh) and I will shop for groceries and probably pop into the restroom where I'll look into the full-length mirror which always makes me look heavier than I believe I am (we have no full-length mirrors at home, lest all my days be spoiled. heh).

Then we'll drive back through the countryside to home where I will make hoagie sandwiches which we'll eat while we watch our Netflixed Julie and Julia. My second time, his first--can't wait to share it with him! We'll pull the pocket doors closed, the ones between our living room and dining room, turn on our small electric heater and then enjoy the show there in our hibernating place.

Possibly one or two inches of snow will fall later this afternoon. We can handle that much.

And that is what's happening around our little farm. Some of you have told me you're living vicariously through me as I write out here, so there you go. The past few days in my blog have been blank, so now you have some words through which to live. :)


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Here's why we live vicariously through your post:
    Today I will get off from work to a thunderstorm, go home and change my clothes, turn around and go see my therapist (which is a good thing), then go back home, where my little cozy house is a disaster area, because my 25 year old daughter is pretty much the messiest person I know. The kitchen will be stacked high with dishes because I think she's baking today, and she doesn't really get the concept of "clean as you go".
    There will be another bright spot though, as we watch "So you think you can dance".
    Your day sounds pretty good to me.

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Your day sounds great to me! I love the thought of you and Tom, settling into your little cocoon to watch Julie and Julia - a movie that is on the top of my Netflix queue at the moment! Enjoy!!

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I received the notice from Netflix that Julie and Julia is coming next! I'll let you know ;)

  4. Oh yeah I'm there with you and Tom in spirit! Sounds wonderful, I'm cold as heck with freezing rain and snow mix and stuck at home playing and making ornaments and decorationg a miniture pine tree. Have a great eve, I know I will too.

  5. isn't it a funny/odd thing to drive back to an area that you used to call home and knew so well? i've gone back 2 or 3 times to our old cottage neighbourhood - and it's felt so very strange ... familiar yet strange! ... i liked the visit, but i was glad that i didn't live there anymore! maybe that's the way it should be when we look at our past lives, ... before grace became a constant companion ... familiar, yet strange ... a place we are glad we don't live in anymore ...

    blessings on your hibernation!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.