Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Last week I heard that, nowadays, young people are so very into becoming famous. They believe if they only had adoring audiences they'd be and look and feel ok

This is one reason the crowds at the American Idol tryouts are so huge, at least, that's what I believe.

Back when I was young I, also, went through my own 'must be famous' decades. I longed to be an Olympic gymnast, a ballerina, an evangelist or a school teacher like Miss Dove (of the famous book). In fact, I planned to write a book, one which would make everyone say, "Wow, such an amazing writer for one so young!"

I even (get this) made plans to become famous after I died-- my diaries would be discovered in a dresser drawer and they'd become best-sellers ("Such a deep soul," people would nod and say). And too, my gravestone would play a documentary film about me when you pushed a button. Poof! There I would appear on a big screen.


Thank-goodness I've outgrown the desire to be noticed, for it's a heavy burden, one becoming even weightier when the props people give you are never enough. 

Only God can consistently meet those deepest needs for appreciation and love and He's too smart to allow us to find satisfaction from fame.

Anyway, I think this searching for fame and/or appreciation is part of what leads people to the Internet. Many feel more comfortable and bold here than they do in Real Life and it's easier to become someone other than who they've always been. 

I like to remind myself to be kind online, for I'm surrounded here by real, flesh-and-blood folks who--most likely--are searching for something. And may my first goal be to not seek to be known, myself, but rather, to help guide others to the One most interested, most loving of their very soul.


Be kind online.



  1. ::Heartily nodding head in agreement:: Thanks for sharing, Debra!

  2. hmmmm ... so true ...
    everyone wants to be loved or noticed for being unique ... as you said, it's only "The One", Jesus, who really knows our uniqueness and loves us beyond measure ...

    blessings on you and Tom in 2010!

  3. When I was younger, I always wanted to be like an Amy Grant or Sarah Maclachlan. Then, later, in my mid-20s, I was deeply involved in youth ministry and while I fully appreciate the way God used me there in the lives of those kids, after I'd moved away and felt the deep hole missing from that activity and those people, I realized then that much of it was because in that small little church, I was famous. Loved. And it felt good. And that's one of the reasons I did all the things I did and served the way I served. It made me look good. I was and can still be so proud, searching for some kind of earthly validation and love when the only One I need is waiting for me to just fall into His love.

    You have it absolutely right here in what you say.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.