Friday, November 13, 2009

So I was dreading Thursday even though I've told you lots of times not to dread things, because basically, dread is a form of fear and fear brings torment and--, well, you know.

Tom was scheduled for an MRI for his shoulder and needed to have it done somewhere we'd never been before. We'd have to take the thruway to get there and you all know I hate the NYS thruway--and I'd have to sit and wait (and wait) and I might have to drive us both back home because of the meds he would take before the MRI, etc.

But anyway, we made it. 

And the new place? Wow, it was like a spa. Well, parts of it. The main waiting room was painted an elegant blue and even had a crystal chandelier and comfy chairs (Tom smirked, "I wonder who pays for all this?"). But the wild thing was that they told us we could both wait in their special waiting rooms, so we followed the woman along a beautifully-painted hall to our own private room(!)

Though closet-sized, it was a pretty blue and was lit with a tiny crystal chandelier and held two stuffed, so-comfortable-you-absolutely-melt peach floral chairs with a matching ottoman in between and lovely, soft music playing. We were free to close the doors so we did and we sank back in our chairs and talked and then read and part of the time I just closed my eyes and practically slid onto the floor because I became relaxed to my very bones.

Then after Tom was whisked away to his MRI, I walked back to the main waiting room (locking our special room with the key provided and guided by a sweet nurse who didn't want me to get lost) and poured some free hot chocolate. I carried it back to that bit of shangri-la with the amazing music and chairs and melted some more, dreaming, reading, sipping. The lighting must've been perfect because I didn't feel claustrophobic in this window-less room. Instead, I asked myself, "How can I make our guest room feel more like this incredible closet thing so I can melt at home, too?"

Wow. What a reminder to stop dreading things! 

The time came to leave, but I longed to stay, for inside that room I felt a million miles away from traffic, crowds and cranky people online (see my last post. Thankfully I do not consider Western New Yorkers to be cranky). What a blessing and what patience God has with me as He continues to teach me to expect only the best--and to notice all the amazing details when I get there.


And we even had fun afterward. 

We stopped at Cheeburger, Cheeburger, a place I'd never even heard of, but Tom already had visited twice (hmm... where else does he go without me?). ツ 

A totally 1950's place--wow! Fifties music and also, chairs and tables with chrome and formica and posters of 50's cars and Route 66 signs, as well. One of those places which restores your hope in humanity. 

Check it out if you live near one and appreciate the old days.




  1. So glad the experience was so delightful...We don't know the future, and it's no use to worry about it! BTW, I love the header you are using. The birch trees and delicate tracery of leaves and branches is wonderful.

  2. just catching up on you ...

  3. Hmmm, I think you got the better end of the deal, not having to go have an MRI and all. :)

    So glad everything went well. Almost sounds like you guys had a date... :)


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