Saturday, October 24, 2009

To clarify a bit, for all these months I've still had my quiet times, but they came during pauses in my day. Long pauses, many pauses, many quiet times. But what I feel lately is God telling me to recommit to my morning time with Him and keep the pauses, too. And what He also asked was that I create a special place for Him and me upstairs in our guest room (my room), hence, this first photo. God and I hang out here in the mornings and in the pauses of my days.

I sit there all dreamy-eyed and stare at the views...

... and think what I want to think... hopefully, good things which God wants me to think, too.

I didn't tell you yet, but I hung some wallpaper around the closet area of our guest room and all except two sheets fell down! &*$#@. Just one of my many and varied October trials, but alas, I like how those two sheets look.

And for good measure I will give you some of the gold world outside another upstairs window:

Don't you just love Autumn?


By the way, Tom and I Netflixed The Lost Room and we really loved it. It originally aired as a mini-series on the Sci-Fi channel and I admit it's not for everyone, ok? But some of you might enjoy it, too, especially if, like us, you love the feel of the whole Route 66 era/history. Read about The Lost Room here.

Our new patio with old patio furniture. Ever since the concrete was poured, it's been too cold and rainy to actually sit out there (October trial #47). :)


  1. I love your quiet room Debra it looks like a picture out of a magazine. And with views like that how can you go wrong. Wait until next year you will be the envy of all patio's. Wow what I could do with that! Dream for the winter and cut lots of pictures out. Enjoy the Autumn I know I will. Oh and I like that wallpaper at least you have the gumption to do that, wallpaper scares the heck out of me!

  2. Your room is beautiful ... so inviting and peaceful. And the views you have are stunning! What a blessing to see that each day.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Ilove your quite room! Your view is wonderful,such beautiful trees!

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    What a lovely place. Just looking out the windows would be uplifting.


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