Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our daughter could really use your prayers right now. It's looking like Oreo, her cat, isn't going to pull through this kidney thing so Naomi is facing having him put down either today or tomorrow.

She's taking this very, very hard. For years she and Carl have always said, "If anything were to happen to Oreo, we just couldn't take it," and I have cringed every time at those words. They invested their whole heart and souls into that cat, not always remembering the fragility of Life. But then, which of us wants to remember that?

Life is so hard sometimes and right now both Tom and I are really aching for what Naomi is going through. Not to mention, we love Oreo, too, and had such fun with him the years we all lived together, years when we had 3 upstairs cats and 3 downstairs cats. So actually, we would all appreciate your prayers so much. Thank-you.


  1. Dolores7:04 PM

    Debra, so sorry to hear about Oreo. Some animals are just so special it is heartbreaking to let them go. I lost my "Moosie" a year ago. I always said he was a little man in cat's clothing. Dolores

  2. My prayers tonight will include all of you.

  3. Dear Debra, My prayers are with all of you. It is harder for younger people, I think, to grasp the imperanence of things on earth.

  4. My prayers are with you all.It is so hard to lose something or someone you love so much,but it will not always hurt as much as it does now and one day the pain will be replaced by wonderful memories

  5. Oh..poor babies..all of them. We hurt so much for our children (no matter how old they are) and it hurts so much to loose a beloved family member such as Oreo the cat. My heart hurts right along with yours - and I know in their hearts, they will make room one day for another sweet kitty to love and to have Oreo have a sibling to take over- just like our Charlie did..we swear he must talk to Braxton and Lulu and give them hints of what to do for us :-)

  6. OH! i can totally relate. my best cat, Moses, is 8 yrs old and truly if/when something happens to him, i will be a complete and total mess. He is the best cat ever...not even kidding and i'm not a crazy cat lady...LOL

    Putting a pet down is one of the hardest things to do -even when you know it's the best and only solution. Thankfully the way they do it is painless and peaceful for the animal (not so much the owner) and in that there is some consolation. i had to put a cat down, Clancy, and the vet staff were amazingly gentle with both him and me...and now i'm crying.


  7. Prayers and hugs are always yours.


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