Friday, September 11, 2009

Mysteries And Chocolate Cookies

In passing, I've mentioned Joanne Fluke's mystery books here, and well, I just discovered them 2 months ago, I've read nearly all by now, and they are my new favorite thing. Each book even has tons of recipes. Funny thing? I hadn't read any murder mysteries other than Nancy Drew and other kids' (gentler) mysteries until last year for I assumed I wouldn't like them. Good grief. Never assume anything!

Here are Joanne's books with a synopsis for each. Your city library probably has these. (Warning: There are so many paragraphs in each book describing the eating of desserts and drinking of coffee that you will be tempted to jump up every five minutes to grab something to munch upon.)

And my good buddy, Betty, recommended mysteries by Katherine Hall Page and though I've not read them yet, they sound perfect. Simply perfect. Read about those here. And if you can, check online for these, too, to see whether your library has them.

Sometimes lessons come all hot and heavy over a time period for me and these are just two more: You know, the never assume anything one and the staying open-minded to new and different options. (And I wonder why I often awaken in ruts!)

And yesterday I found the most perfect low fat chocolate cookie recipe. I even added less sugar and skipped the chocolate chips altogether (chocolate chips do not last around our house because we are chocolate chip pigs, so I don't buy them), and still, the cookies were perfect. Only makes around one dozen, but hey... I printed out the recipe and placed it in my cooking binder and there it will stay. Find the recipe here.

And that's all for now. I am off for more of Lemon Meringue Pie Murder and some coffee (decaf, alas) and perhaps a new batch of chocolate cookies.


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I too, enjoy Joanne Fluke's books, and some of the recipes.

    This week, I discovered another series that is similar by Livia J. Washburn. I am currently reading her, "The Christmas Cookie Killer". There are recipes included in her books too. Fun, light reading!

  2. Oh good! Thanks, Nancy for recommending another similar author. I am out on a hunt to find all of them which I can. :) Thanks, again! Blessings, Debra

  3. Well, Steve just announced he wants to do the South Beach Diet (Dr's orders), but maybe I could get my with that choco-chip recipe...;-)
    BTW..didja see Kim's latest post on house tours? Be still my heart!
    I'm trying to think of how I can get RED in my house now!!
    I love what YOU'VE done!..

  4. Too fun! I've been sipping tea and eating pecan sandies while I work. Took a little break to treat myself after I finished a scene and saw your comment on GraceReign. Made me so happy to connect a little with you again! :o)

  5. Morning! Thanks for the author recommendations. I've added them to my list.


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