Sunday, September 06, 2009

I realized something many years ago, namely, I must protect my own sanity. (I mean, like, if I don't, who will?) 

And, oh my. Things are not becoming spiffier in this world nor will they(says the Bible). But it still feels weird to actually be living during these days of high stress, low morality and 'signs in the skies', as I call natural disasters of all types.

And well, if a person isn't careful, she can go insane pretty easily. Just worry, fear and keep tabs on all the bad news and live stressed-out. Easy. 

But I'm not planning on it. 

No, I'm marching to a different beat and basically trying to do the opposite of what the world says. The world--ha! They're urging me to hurry and worry about everything and to buy this and travel there and hurry some more, take these pills, drink those drinks if I wish to feel better or heck, stay alive.

Eegads. I'd rather go backward, back to simpler and quieter ways of living. For it's in that quiet where I find my strength. After all, it's rather like Paul in the Bible stated:

"That I might know Him..."

That is and has been the key for me. Not, "that I might know about Him," (though that's not bad. Reading the Bible is truly a helpful, amazing thing.). But there is more, you know, and there is a difference. Rather like, I might know about President Obama, but I don't know him. Not personally, for myself.

And for me, knowing Jesus has made all the difference. 

He calms and encourages me, especially when everyone else forgot. And He heals me of the junk from Life On This Tired Old Earth.  

But knowing Him, spending time in His presence snuggled up together on my reading couch or the wicker loveseat on our porch, ah, there is absolutely nothing like that.

In His presence there is fullness of joy and it's that joy which is our strength. And oh my, do we ever need that joy nowadays if our sanity is to remain strong and motoring on peace in the days ahead!


Oh wow. Another amazing home tour. I am in awe.



  1. I cannot thank you enough for this post. It is so what I needed to hear today. All seems wrong right now. Tossed up and strewn about. I miss my life 25 years ago. But that life is gone forever and I have to find a way to live now. Again, thank you!

  2. Hey Debra,

    You get Maryjane's Fram magazine don't you? Have you recieved the Oct./ Nov. issue yet? I saw it at the bookstore yesterday. Back in the spring I missed an issue and had to go out and buy it. They extended my subscription for an extra issue, but it's a pain to have to run out and buy it when I already subscribe to it!

    Happy labor Day!

  3. I feel the same way Debra, it's all just too much! What will be will be so stop fretting people! Great post!


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