Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Since I'm still in my summer funk (nothing deep and scary, don't worry--I plan on snapping out of this soon), I'll just share some of my latest yard sale finds. It wows Tom and me how God places little perfect surprises just for us in peoples' yards. Is the above vinegar and oil cruet sweet or what? And only 25 cents (!) Here's the other side (enlarge this one. It will make you smile, I promise):

And here's my nifty so-like-Kim teapot for $3:

And lastly, you'll have to enlarge this photo to see what's so cool about these tennis rackets. They're very vintage and perfect for our barn loft museum (I especially love the middle one, circa 1950.):

And now Tom and I are headed out to find some air-conditioned places. Our a/c is still down in the basement although, my oh my, we sorely needed it yesterday (we sat, very still, all day watching Early Edition dvd's--and reading books-- since it was too hot to do anything else). Being cheapskates, we didn't want to haul the a/c upstairs for our last full day of high heat and humidity... a cooling trend begins later this afternoon. And are we ever anticipating that!


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Lucky you. Love the teapot and the cruet. Is the cruet marked? I think I would guess Mexico or Portugal. I have a salad bowl bought by my mother in law for an engagement gift 53 yrs. ago and the paintings are similar style.

  2. Living in Texas, where we might need heat one day and air conditioning the next, I can't imagine being able to go all summer without A/C! That is quite a feat - but no wonder you are feeling out of sorts. The heat can get to anyone. :-)



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