Sunday, August 09, 2009

Quotes and &^%*& Weather

Tracy shared this fun quote over at Facebook:

"I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing; kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe in Paula Deen. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles."

~ Unknown

(Although, my oh my, I do wish Paula Deen would use less butter for her own sake.)   ツ


And here's another quote I love:

"You don't know what you don't know."

Now there's a humbling thought and one which can give us necessary patience with people who radically oppose that which we have discovered to be oh so true.


In other news, I painted more of our living room (above) and I'm loving the warmer color on the walls. 

The more I change this house? The more I like it. Huge surprise there, huh? 

It's disappointing, though, that I can't just be happy with ugly walls (especially ones painted years prior by others) when I'm so often writing here how attitude makes all the difference. In this one area, my attitude needs to behold freshly painted walls in order to be content. Sigh. 

(Hey, no one's perfect, after all.)


And in more other news--

Those of you who enjoy thunder and lightning storms are now officially nutso-whacko in my book. 

We had two huge storms yesterday--two!-- and I hated both (so did Lennon and McCartney the Cats, poor dears). Such stifling humidity and as of this morning, the southern part of our state is flooded, there are driving bans, one man was swept away from his own yard and 11,000 homes are without power. 

Perhaps thunder, lightning and rain are different in your state. Gentler. I don't know. But they are dreadful here.

Yet I found myself yesterday feeling grateful for this 130-year-old house. Why? Because in all those years it must have experienced hundreds of horrible, treacherous storms--and yet it still stands strong today! The floors shook during the thunder, but they did not collapse.

What a lesson.


Remember the latest bistro table find at a yard sale? The one we were going to put on our new patio after it gets poured someday? 

Well, change of plans. When I moved the table which was here in order to paint, I liked the way it looked next to the post:

So there you go.



  1. That looks so gorgeous! I thought it was a photo you had taken from a decorating site until you said it was your livingroom. Just beautiful. Love the bistro table there and love the red.

    I'm with you. I don't like thunder and lightning.

  2. Your living room looks so inviting, Debra! :)

  3. I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who just cannot seem to settle on a permament 'look'.

    I DO know what I like, and what I DO NOT like. But between the two? I loooove messing around with what I have and what I can find for cheap.

    Makes me happy!

    I wasn't happy yesterday. THAT kind of weather you described seriously does evil things to my head. Nasty storms all evening and all night long.

  4. Deborah, I could just move right in to your house and be happy! Beautiful! Would you share the color and brand of the warm yellow paint behind the post? Every time I see a room that shade I fall in love with it. But I've had such bad luck trying to find a good yellow. Do tell!

  5. Oh I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the storms. We adore the weather and always love those wild storms! God gives everything a good wash and spin. :-)

    This comment is also a test to see if Google will finally know who I am (I've been having to comment anonymously because it didn't ever recognize my log in).

    *crossing fingers*


  6. fun quotes ... and i love the way you are decorating ... looks good!

    isn't it fun when a piece of furniture fits somewhere that we never thought of putting it - but did, quite by accident? :o) ... looks like you had one of those occasions.

  7. Love that chair! with it's beautiful curves and wood. Ooooh la lah! Your home is gorgeous, the wood doors and floors. You have done so much and your decorating talents just keep getting better and better! And of course your husband also. (sorry hubby)

  8. I like the color. We painted out livingroom last year a little darker than yours is now. Your house looks so inviting and comfortable.


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