Thursday, August 06, 2009

Last night Tom and I traveled to the town we moved from, to a park where Naomi played drums in a new band. People everywhere, boats along the canal, small dogs and a summer evening so perfect weather-wise it could not be improved upon.

The music was eardrum-collapsing loud. It always is. And as we leaned back upon a steel railing, people all around us smoked, drank beer, laughed and some of them danced. There was a giddiness on the air, but mostly I just watched Naomi who can play the drums like you'd not believe and looks like she was created from the beginning of Time to do so. And I prayed for the vast variety of people scattered around the park, folks from all walks of Life.

Now, when Naomi was a sweet, tiny toddler did Tom and I pray for her to, at 29, play drums in the secular band circuit, get tattoos and have good friends who've never even stepped into a church? Uh, no. And are we all disappointed and worried and frantic? No again.

No, Faith and Trust don't get stomach aches from worry. They don't wait-up till dawn with self-imposed headaches and pace the floor and imagine the worst night after tortured night. And they don't doubt or keep asking questions which cannot be answered.

No, real Faith and Trust find the good in Now and believe the best is yet to come--and feel deep peace along the path. They go to concerts and pray for the whole crowd and sing along to the few songs they recognize and look up into a perfect sky on a perfect summer night and know for certain that God knows what He's doing. And that He's teaching us all in different ways... and calling us, wooing us closer to Him all the time as only He knows how.


"He makes all things beautiful in His time."

"Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:7

"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:3


  1. Love this post!! You are so right. Thanks for the reminder!! :o)

  2. I could not agree more!

  3. i'm just picturing you there ... cheering your daughter on and praying for all the young folks around ... :o) ... God knows each of their hearts and loves each of them so much ...

    and the post below - with the pic of your light green wall in the kitchen - i love it! i love shades of green ... my very fav ...

    blessings on your weekend!

  4. Whew! Faith and Trust. I'm holding onto these as my 18 yo son finds his way in this world, praying that He will keep him in His grasp, let him learn the lessons he needs to learn, knowing that He is working His plan in his life and ALL THINGS-the good and the bad-work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose.
    Thank you for this post. <3


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