Sunday, July 05, 2009

That's some surprising news about Sarah Palin, isn't it? I'll not add any comments about her decision, but I did want to note something I heard her say on a Canadian talk show. 

The host told Sarah that another politician on his show told how he'd been devastated when he lost an election and it took months for him to recover from the depression of losing.

Then the host asked Sarah if she'd experienced any of that after the presidential election in November, but she answered, no, she hadn't. She stated she couldn't imagine ever experiencing such devastation over a political loss because politics are not her be-all, end-all. They're not the most important of her priorities, she said, so they didn't hold that kind of power over her.

I loved that. And sitting here in my living room, I applauded her answer.

I also contemplated her words throughout the rest of that day and I thought how that's the sort of thing which changed my whole life these past 15 years. Since Jesus became my be-all, end-all, I've never dived down deep into depression like I used to. That's how real He's become. Jesus is my reason for getting out of bed with joy in my heart, He's my closest friend,my 'cheerer-upper'. My encourager and my strength and--

He never forgets me or goes away on vacation, nor gets all in a huff, ignoring me. And so since He means more than anything, then as long as He's here beside me, well, I'm ok. Peaceful. Calm. Steady. And nothing else holds the power to totally blow me apart into a million pieces.

But in years gone by? Just about everybody else came before Him. And because I based how I felt upon how everyone else treated me (giving them power over my feelings), it was like I sat in a rocky boat. Steady one day (when my friends or family treated me right) or rocky the next day (when others got mad at me or Life's circumstances went all askew).

I had around 35 years of rocky-boat-rocky. I prefer peaceful, calm, steady. What a way to go.

Anyway, those are the thoughts I was thinking after that interview with Sarah Palin. It's funny how a person can say one thing and your mind can run all over the place from there.


The above photo is of the flag we finally bought. We'd wanted one for ever so long. Of course, I should have posted it yesterday, on the 4th of July, but that would have required clear, concise thinking. I'm too old for that.  ツ



  1. Debra,
    I just love this post. Have you ever thought about writing a book?
    You should!

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth. You're a sweetie. :) In the past I thought about writing a book, but this blog is sort of my 'book to the world' and I love the format and instant communication with readers, not to mention that I don't have to please an editor or travel to book signings (that would be a nightmare if I was required to do that). But again, thanks for your encouragement! I appreciate it. (And I'm glad you liked this post.) Blessings, Debra

  3. Great post Dear Heart. So true too so true.


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