Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another Blogiversary

Morning in my garden with its overgrown, out-of-control look. We don't even like squash all that much, so why do I grow enough for a village each year? Probably because squash is easy... you can be a horrible gardener with a black thumb and yet squash will grow for you. You can neglect it, not even glance at it and it will reward you with tons of the stuff and make you feel like a Gardening Somebody.

Also growing in the Land of Squash? Cherry tomatoes, lettuce, green onions, pumpkins, peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, zinnias, asters, marigolds.
Our butterfly bush has grown into a butterfly tree. Sheesh. And I even keep whacking away at it, pruning and pruning so it doesn't burrow in through the windows. But still it grows. And smells divine.

My favorite yard sale find yesterday? This recipe box which has that 1940's look. Love it.

I found this last week at one of those country farm yard sales. So cute.


Oh! And today marks another blogiversary for me. Five whole years of the best of times and the worst of times and all the times inbetween. Thanks so much to each of you who still read here-- I appreciate you, your comments and your prayers. And thanks for reminding me that kindred spirits really do exist.


  1. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Happy blogiversary Debra! Thank you for your dedication in sharing your inspiration with us all. 5 years is an amazing accomplishment!

    Love the pics of the garden too. Think of it as "lush" rather than overgrown! LOL!

    Tina (who always has to post anonymously because Google never can recognize me)

  2. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Happy anniversary - I think I've been reading you almost those whole five years! I discovered your blog as one of the first back when my daughter was born and she's 4.5!

    Still loving your humor, wisdom and your new adventures!

  3. Congratulations on reaching such an amazing milestone. Many blogs only last a few weeks or months so it's wonderful to see such a quality blog continuing to go from strength to strength.

  4. Happy blog anniversary!

    Here's to another great year.

    Your garden looks fabulous!

  5. Happy Blogiversary!

    And wishing you, many more!

    Gentle hugs,
    'Aunt Amelia'

  6. Happy blogiversary! I've enjoyed reading your for quite some time. I love your's suits me to a "t", whatever a "t" is!
    Keep spreading the good word!

  7. I think I had my 5 year blogiversary in June, or May. I guess I could look, but I'm too lazy. :)

    I also don't remember when we found each other, but over the years, I have truly come to love you and your thoughts. Oftentimes what you write ministers to me in some way, and I am so, so, soooo grateful that you've continued writing.

    You are a blessing and inspiration to me.

  8. and we so appreciate you sharing with us and what lovely finds you have found--(wicked sentence but it says what is needed--LOL)

  9. Happy blogiversary Debra !!!

  10. Congratulations, Debra! May all your dreams come true. I do enjoy reading your blog and often feel inspired by it. I'm just back from visiting my grandaughters in PA (including two week old Clara) and just before I left my grandson Nathan told me that he would be having a new brother or sister in March. I'm on a real grandmother roll here!

  11. Did you suffer any damage from the tornadoes last night?

  12. Oh! I am so sorry to have missed your blogversary! Please accept my belated, but heart-felt congratulations! You (as you know) were my VERY FIRST BLOG I discovered during my bout with insomnia three years ago! And you were so thoughtful and sweet and kind to respond to my emails..confiding in you when I realized we were kindred spirits and I just KNEW you'd understand things about me that others wouldn't.
    I love reading your blog. You give words to my thoughts and feelings and give me a sense of relief that I'm not the only one who dreams of life in the '40's and 50's. Who take very seriously the joys of homemaking (does that make sense?) ;-D
    You were the one who first encouraged me to start my own blog.
    What a joy and a blessing you are, Debra. Congratulations! Thanks for hanging in there!!

  13. Congratulations on your blogaversary! I admire your stick-to-it-iveness!

    Your garden looks so lush and well-cared for.

    It has been a great summer here in TN, too. So much cooler than usual, I love it!

    Laurie S.

  14. Egads! I had no idea when I planted it that the butterfly bush would get that tall! It's very pretty though. I hope the butterflies like it. :)


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