Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ack. Tom and I were just dealt a blow on this raining, dark day. Our daughter and her boyfriend of seven years are splitting up. And although this isn't a 100% surprise, it comes close.

I don't believe I've mentioned here that Naomi and Carl have been living together for a couple years. Some things are no one else's business (and yes, we know what the Bible says about such things). But alas, they have been living together, and now Naomi will be moving out, taking just two of her four cats with her. Naomi is letting Carl keep her favorite cat of all time--and that concerns me. Shocks me. I never, ever thought she'd give up Oreo--Naomi's always been more passionate about that cat than she ever was about Carl.  ツ

Carl! We've always liked Carl. He appeared right after Naomi's relationship with a guy we were actually afraid of, one who caused us to pray like crazy for two long years. But Carl came along and was instantly a breath of fresh air. A sweet, helpful guy who took care of our daughter. He helped us with rewiring, insulating and lifting heavy things--and more. And all those holidays with the four of us! And in these seven years we grew to love him.

No, they weren't married, yet this still feels like a divorce.

Naomi will be moving into an apartment closer to her job, but a bit farther from us, although we do often travel over there. Living on her own again, which will mean more prayers and more trusting of God to protect her and provide help when she needs it.

And Life will go on, I know. But these blows which come along when everything--for just awhile--was going smoothly, well, these blows require Time to adjust to. 

And I know many of you know just what I mean.



  1. I am so sorry for this terrible disappointment. Yes, it is like a divorce. They have been together as a couple at family gatherings etc. This just cuts so deep. I'm very sorry for your pain. Will pray that somehow God lightens your load and brings you peace.

  2. awww i'm so sorry to hear that ... though we don't have kids, we have known young couples who split, even though they seem to be so right for each other ... big ((hugs)) ... and maybe this will draw Naomi closer to the God who will always be the nearest and dearest to each child who lets Him ...

  3. I'm sorry. You must be disappointed, I know parents like to see their children "settled" with a lifetime mate and living happily ever after and all. I guess her Prince just hasn't found her yet!

    Laurie S.

  4. I'm so sorry, Debra. It is a lose to your family. Last year, my son was engaged to a lovely young lady. She broke it off and he was devastated. I cried with him. I still miss her!

  5. Debra, I am really sorry to hear this. This kind of break up does affect so many more people than the two involved. Do you think you will continue to have any relationship with Carl? Or is that ridiculous? I think sometimes people do. I hope this works out, somehow, for the best for you all.

  6. Oh. No.

    Praying for you all.

    May Grace take flight to Naomi and hold her tight.

  7. Dolores10:05 AM

    So sorry to hear the sad news Debra. He was a part of your family for a long time. My prayers are with all of you. Dolores

  8. I understand Debra. My oldest daughter dated a young man for years and we felt like he was our son-in-law when they broke up we were devastated,but now she is happily married to a wonderful man and they have 2 wonderful little boys.As you know my youngest daughter is divorced from her husband but we have a close relationship with him.I have learned that we can not control what or who our children choose but to just put them in God's hands and know that everything will be alright.

  9. Hi Debra,
    Through a crazy twist of blogs, I found yours, and have been reading it for about 6 months now. I enjoy it a great deal. Anyway, this morning I read about Naomi's deal. It is very close to what I am supporting my daughter through too. Just a couple of weekends ago, my girl called with the same news. Major difference here is that my girl is coming to live with me. That's a good thing. She lives very far away in the state of Washington, and I am in South Carolina. Her isolation was, I think, one of the precipitating factors. So I am cleaning out my other bedroom to make room for her. When He closes one door He opens another. It will be interesting to see what that door is.

  10. You 'know' that I know what you're feeling. ;-/
    I'll be praying for you guys..

  11. Aww, sometimes words just feel like a pat on the back at times like these. I offer my words in the form of a hug. Praying for all.


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