Saturday, May 16, 2009

Razzle frats....

Oh the plans I had yesterday to work like the proverbial horse in our yard! 

And so there I was sitting in our garden, weeding, when uh oh. All my energy evaporated. And my stomach felt odd. Argh. Slowly-but-quickly I rolled the wheelbarrow under the back carport, walked to the house, through the back door and tried to talk myself out of coming down with some sort of the stomach flu.

Didn't work too well. Chills, weakness, nausea, aches. Sigh.

After a rough, rough night, I'm feeling a tad better. But still? About all I can do is melt beneath three blankets in Tom's recliner. I told him last night his is a very nice chair in which to be sick. He agreed.

Oh well, the work will still be there when I'm feeling better and that's the test--can I just relax and believe it will all get done before the heat of summer? I'm thinking I can. Hoping, anyway.



  1. Awwwwwww, I'm so sorry about the stomach flu. Wishing it will be the strictly 24 hour kind. And the main part will be over quickly.

    But even if it is, please give your body the time it needs, to fully recover. No matter the length of time they hang around, those ding-dang stomach flus do a job on us.

    And you'll still have plenty of time to get your garden going, before the real heat hits. In fact, I had to turn some heat on this morning, again. Yikes. When the sun comes around, I'll turn it off. But for now, it's not hot and humid, for sure.

    Gentle hugs,
    Aunt Amelia

  2. Hope your feel better soon! The garden work will still be there when you have recuperated. {{hugs}}

  3. Ahh, feel better real soon

  4. Oh no!! I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself, drink what fluids you can and I hope "Grace" comes out to entertain you while you get better.

    By the way, I love how you tried to talk yourself out of the stomach flu. :)

  5. Bless your heart and your tummy! Your discription of a chair to be sick in brought back such precious memories. Mom would spread a fresh sheet on one end of the couch for us. Its coolness was a balm unto itself. When we were sick we would be given Verners ginger ale in metal cups--nothing tasted better, unless it was the occasional special splurge on Donald Duck orange juice. Mmmmm, better than perscriptions.

  6. hugs and prayers and I do hope that you are feeling up to par to attack that yard soon but not too soon- get your rest first - and yes- when we are sick those comfort things are a blessing- hugs from Meme


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