Saturday, May 02, 2009

Springtime: Amazing in the Country

Lennon says hey on this gorgeous, sunny Saturday morning.

For many years Tom and I took country drives, gazing out the windows at all the lovely 1800's farms. We'd say, "Oh, can you imagine what a country morning must feel like?" Almost could we feel and smell the cool, crisp and scented country air, hear the birds and touch the wide-openness of it all.

So was I right, after all those years, about the glory of a country morning?

I was. Truly, there's nothing like a country morning. I step outside the back door and poof! I'm ten-years-old and asking myself what shall I play first?

Paige asked if I've started my garden yet. Well, kinda sorta. 

Actually, where we live it's not safe to put in the main stuff till much later in May. Yet after I dug and framed my first little garden bed in my Secret Garden, I planted some green onions which I bought at the supermarket. I began doing that eons ago after I saw the idea on tv--you just keep clipping the greens as they grow.  I also transplanted the lilac twig which I brought over from our apartment and planted last June. I'm shocked that it survived garden life last year because my tomato plants grew all over it. 

But there she was, standing all alone, looking sweet.

My biggest project so far? I'm slaving over the long flower bed on the south side of our house. I've spent days digging, pulling weeds and dumping loads of fertilizer and soil from my Secret Garden area. My wheelbarrow has been my closest friend lately. She's a back saver. 

And I'm transplanting my favorite white-flowered ground cover (can't recall the name. (Later note: It's called Sweet Woodruff, a.k.a. Galium odoratum.). Before we moved here, I promised I'd buy some of this ground cover because it spread with wild abandon over the yard of our previous house, and well, it just wouldn't be Spring without it.

But here it was beside the house, already waiting for me.

And so Spring goes! I hope it's as amazing at your house.



  1. Happy Saturday morning in the country, Debra. It's beautiful here too, sunshine lights up everything. The world is in bloom. I wish I knew what your white groundcover is! What do the flowers look like? When do they bloom. Are they fragrant? I have though of sweet woodruff and lily of the valley. But I bet it's something else!

  2. Hi Kristi! I'm pretty sure the little name label is still out with the original ground cover so I'll try to peek at it today and let you know the name, ok? It's really wonderful stuff. Invasive, but so easy to pull up, so pretty, and so easy to transplant--you don't even have to know what you're doing. :) Have a great Saturday! Debra

  3. Have fun playing in the garden, Debra! :)

  4. Thanks, Tracy! You have fun, too. :)

    Oh, and for those wondering, the ground covering is called Sweet Woodruff, a.k.a. Galium ordoratum. Blessings, Debra

  5. springs not quite to that amazing stage yet - but atleast there is HOPE!

    i'm so glad to hear the cheer in your voice ... you keep enjoying that sweet little haven of rest!

  6. I wish I would have spent more time preparing the soil and learning more about plant needs.
    I posted some things I learned over on BEE BLISS GARDENS. It might help you out in the early stages.


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