Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Okay. Probably, you are already one of the five million who have watched the latest Britain's Got Talent sensation, Susan Boyle, on YouTube. 

Or perhaps you saw her performance today on various early morning tv news shows. But I wanted to make certain you didn't miss her.

Oh, the lesson she teaches, the one we scarily forget over and over. 

If we'd stop judging books by covers and people by their appearance, well, we might just find ourselves with more friends, more bliss and more enjoyment from this Life which God has gifted us.

And more inspiration, also. I watch this Scottish lady who lives alone with her cat and probably has a proper afternoon tea each day and I feel inspired to be more excellent. To always live prepared, willing, to step out in boldness with the gifts God gave me, to share whatever He wishes through me, however He chooses to do so. 

And perhaps He, through me, can change a tiny corner of this planet, as well.

If only I could remember that He knows exactly what He's doing! And that's something else Susan Boyle reminded me, I believe. As the one judge said, "... we were all being very cynical. That was the biggest wake-up call, ever." 

I so knew what she meant. I so saw God's design, His lesson, in this moment.


Watch this--even for the second or third time-- and be blessed.

Be sure to notice everybody's cynical looks before Susan's song. Sad, sad, sad.


Proverbs 18:16
"A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men."

1 Samuel 16:7"... for the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."



  1. I saw her on the news this morning. WOW! You are so right about us judging people by their looks.

  2. Well, I must be living under a rock because I hadn't seen this - THANK YOU for posting! I am sitting here in my bathrobe, coffee cup in my hand with tears in my eyes. This is a gift you've shared with us (me) and I am grateful for you- for her and for God in His infinite wisdom to give us all a beautiful (needed) kick in the pants and make us realize the gifts we all have been given and to share those gifts..AND that beauty is indeed all around us - we just have to appreciate!

  3. Hi Debra, Thanks for posting this because I would have missed it completely and it is very touching and wonderful.

  4. right on! It was so good to have this gift for all of us.
    The perfect time His perfect time for a world grown far too cynical and afraid to shine.

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    My husband and I watched it yesterday and both of us couldn't help tearing up. Never judge a book by it's cover, very true.

    I wish Susan well. She has courage.


  6. I enjoyed my visit here and your post was so true. I always try and teach my teens to never judge people based on their looks.
    Best wishes. Lisa

  7. I'm so glad that you all enjoyed Susan's performance as I did! Thanks for letting me know... Blessings, Debra

  8. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Susan has a second recording "Cry Me A River" that is available through YouTube. Just as passionate as the first. No video, just the song. Same feeling.


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