Monday, March 16, 2009

Uh-Oh! The Big 5-0

Wow. I'm 50-years-old today. Half a century! I'm shaking my head and trying to believe this fact. I still feel 25, only happier and way more content. More energetic, also.

I remember in the fourth grade when our teacher gave us this math problem: figure-out how old you will be in the year, 2000. So I did the math and gasp! Figured that I'd be nearly 41. I thought, "How awful! I'll be too old to enjoy the new century."

Ah youth.  ツ

My hardest birthday (the only hard one, really) was when I turned 29, for I felt sad that this would be my final year in my 20's. That decade had been full of surprises and changes, most of them huge and most of them Good. I thought no other decade could feel like that one.

Ah silly, shortsightedness. 

Although, yes, my 30's were, partially, rough. So much shaking by God! It was like He shook me so that all sorts of scales and junk would fall from me. But you know? Even in the midst of all that, His comfort and love were real like never before. His amazing presence and peace made up for anything hard.

My 40's--now that was one awesome decade! Ten amazing years of feeling nearness to God and experiencing new freedoms from caring too much what other people think. During my 40's it's as though I awoke to Living Beside God with all the sweetness and friendship that He gives.

And now? Why should I dread any new decade? Each one seems to improve. Each one offers new gifts, new insights and new delights. So let this encourage those of you who may be growing older, too. 


"Oh taste and see that the Lord, He is good."

"You're not 40, you're eighteen with 22 years experience." ~Author Unknown


The above photo is how I like to pretend I still look. Pretend along with me, ok?


Oh wow... God gave me geese for my birthday! This morning for the first time I saw geese land on our 'lake.' Oh how I love geese! I've been known to race down the stairs and out of the house when I hear them honking in the skies above.

Flying away.



  1. Happy Birthday!
    I loved my 50s and now am loving even more my 60s. Each decade is special and wonderful. Have a great day.

  2. Happy Birthday, Debra! Do you have any special plans for the day? I too took turning 29 hard, I guess because I was going to be 30 the following year and I loved my 20's. I turn the big 5-0 next year!

  3. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Happy Birthday, Debra!

  4. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Happy Birthday! I have enjoyed reading your blog so much. I am 8 years behind your chronicological journey and light years behind your spiritual one but I hope I'm just like you when I "grow up".
    Mary in VA

  5. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Happy Birthday Debra!! I hope you take this in the manner I mean it, but you make me look forward to growing older. You give me hope that it doesn't just get worse from here. When I was 18, I worked at a restaurant and a much older couple dining there overheard that it was my birthday and asked how old I was. When I told them, they advised me to enjoy my days now (then) because life just got harder and worse the older I got - all said with a smile, but still...

    And I'm in my early 30s. And God is shaking me. And He's using you alongside the shaking to bring hope and wisdom to replace the scales of despair and the junk of disbelief and mis-belief of who He is from the early years before now.

    I hope he showers you in blessings and grace today (and always) and that you have a really wonderful celebration in whatever way brings a smile to your heart!

    Happy birthday to a really wonderful friend!!

  6. Dear Debra, I wish you a wonderful, lovely, delightful birthday full of blessings. I remember my 50th birthday, more than 14 years ago. That was a big one for me, the only one that was at all disturbing, yet it was the beginning of many good things and turning 60 didn't bother me at all. Life is a journey, a pilgrimage, but one we take day by blessed day. Enjoy this day in a special way! You give us all a present with your blog where you refuse to be anything but positive.

  7. Hey! I got shook up in my 30's also!

    Enjoy the day. The world is a better place because you are in it.

  8. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday filled with love, joy, peace, and contentment! :)

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM


    Enjoy your celebrations.

    I'm still four and a half years away from 50 but having a great time getting there.

  10. Just sent a message under the wrong account!! anyway, Happy Birthday!!

  11. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Happy Birthday Debra! I am three and a half years older than you. I rarely think about my age and when someone asks me it takes me a while to remember. I love your long hair in the picture. Keep writing your terrific posts, they make my day. Dolores

  12. A very Happy Birthday wish, Debra! You youngin' you!

    I always chuckle to see people fret over numbers. [You aren't fretting, but many do!] I'm always looking at a much bigger number approaching, than they are. -giggles-

    And I still am. With you. I was a March baby too.

    But late March, and so I fall in Aries. [No, I don't "go by" astrological signs, but at times, they oddly-enough, do point to people's characteristics] I used to be a more true Pieces. But as I have aged, I've grown into my Aries-part. ,-)

    Happy, happy Day!

    Gentle hugs,
    Aunt Amelia

  13. Happy Birthday Debra!! I hope you have had a wonderful one. Thanks so much for sharing your experience through the years. I will be 40 this year and it is nice to know that this could be a decade better than the last! = )
    Oh and you and I share something special - I love how you said that God sent you geese for your birthday. For me when I see roadrunners - it is like an "I love you from God" And other birds and such that I don't get to see very often. Last week I saw a gorgeous hawk sevaral times - it was amazing. And a red-headed woodpecker was in my tree a couple of weeks ago. He was so pretty. - Also an "I love you - from God"
    Happy Birthday!
    Lisa in Texas = )

  14. Happiest Birthday Debra!! I'm 52 and I have never been more happier at any age. So welcome to the 50's women!!! Have a wonderful day.


    I sort of remember being 50 once--LOL
    it is all good-
    hugs from Meme

  16. I hope I have your attitude when I turn 50... I admire you so.
    Happy Birthday, dear one, belated though my wishes are.

  17. Well catching up here. I have not been by for a while.
    I am so glad you were born.
    I threw a big party at 40 just to hush those who were so dark about age. 50 in two more years. Looking forward to it. It is a lot of work getting here:) We ought to celebrate!


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