Friday, March 13, 2009

How Not To Have Dry Spells

It concerns me when people preach that we all go through dry spells when God seems very far away. Frankly? I've not had one of those times in the last 15 years. Not one.

But before then? Yes, I had dry spells, like, every day. heh. Well, often anyway.

So what's made the difference? You've heard of extreme make-overs, extreme sports and extreme shopping, haven't you? Well, for 15 years I've practiced Extreme Dependence upon God. Remember that old hymn which goes something like this?-- 

"I need Thee, oh I need Thee. Every hour I need Thee." Well, it's like that. I need God every single hour.

And now? I could not survive one hour without Him. I wouldn't want to. And He knows that.

I need Him to be my sanity in this wild world and to be the peace inside my head and heart. I need Him to be my friend. I need Him to be my common sense and to help me understand things and hey, I need Him to be my memory, even, as I grow older.

That's just the short list. And after all this Extreme Dependence, God knows I would be sunk without Him-- in only one short hour. And with this type of dependency? I can never wander far from Him. Never.

I will never return to the days when my proud little head thought I could do everything by myself. That is the scarier thought. The lonelier one, also. 

My Extreme Dependence has made all the difference and I would never, ever go back. Why would I want to, for goodness sake?!


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