Wednesday, February 11, 2009

King of Queens: Marriage Therapy?

Gasp! Another re-run, but something I need to remind myself of sometimes.


Okay, I confess. Tom and I often watch the show, King of Queens. In fact, Tom has been known to smile at me from his recliner and say, "Doug is my hero."

A scary thought, that one.

Probably my favorite scenes of King of Queens are the ones where Doug and Carrie argue. Why? Because their fights sound awfully familiar. I watch them wildly argue about nonsensical, childish things and right there on the screen, the folly and utter stupidity of it all hits me. It makes me giggle, for their arguments act like mirrors, reminding me of the loopy arguments Tom and I have had, ourselves.

Tom and I love Doug and Carrie because they show us what not to do and how not to be. 

They help us grow-up. They illustrate that self-absorption requires a whole lot of energy which could've been used for countryside drives, eating-out, sitting at the edge of lakes and having what one might call a good time. Fighting to get one's own way at the other person's expense, makes Life's Roads awfully rocky, indeed.

Basically, watching Doug and Carrie makes the folly of pride just so darn crystal clear.

Tom was 21 when we married and I was just 19. I always find it so sad when people who have been married 15 or 20 years divorce, sighting the reason as being, "We married too young." I always wonder, instead, truth be told, if it's more like, "We married young, and then we took too many years to grow-up afterward."

And maybe when Tom and I watch certain King of Queen reruns, laughing until we cry during Doug's and Carrie's fights, we're actually laughing at our own arguments. The ones we rarely have now because, having grown in years and in wisdom, we find they are just not worth the trouble anymore. (Not that they ever were.)

We've found that peace between us, as a couple, is a whole lot more fun and in little, silly, you-had-to-be-there ways, we have Doug and Carrie to thank for some of that.  シ


"When you are older you will know that life is a long lesson in humility." ... James M. Barrie



  1. Anonymous5:05 PM

    What a beautiful way to look at it. I can't wait till my husband and I are like you and Tom. ;-)

  2. I like that show- sort of reminds me of some relatives I have - they are a cute couple - papa hubby was 27 and I was 18 but that was the way it was in those days and we made it for 42 years- we were blessed and now I have all those wonder memories of the way we were
    hugs from Meme


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