Friday, February 13, 2009

Just a quick note, for Tom and I are heading out early to our former town for groceries and a quick stop at his job.

My sweet online buddy, Susan, emailed to see if we were ok after that terrible plane crash in our area last night and asked that I leave a note here in my blog.

And well, we are fine, just so saddened by the whole terrible thing. Clarence Center is twenty miles from us, though very near where Tom often sees doctors for his back. The tiny center of town there is like a walk back to the 1800's and it's in nearby Clarence where we like to go antiquing.

Good Morning America mentioned that Buffalo has a very small town, close-knit feel to it and indeed, it does. 

From Day One of our move here we felt that, and are still, 16 years later, touched by it. So this tragedy will be very hard on our whole community. Your prayers will be appreciated.

Life is so precious and so very fragile.



  1. My husband was on a small plane 3 weeks ago from Newark to Buffalo. Scary heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones.

  2. Came to your blog as soon as I heard the news.

    So glad you posted something.

    Wow. Life IS so fragile...

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Oh no. Those poor people. Breaks my heart.

  4. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Thank you for letting us know you're well.

  5. THANK YOU for posting.

    Uncle A. just read about the terrible crash, in our morning paper. {We never watch tv news, so this was the first we learned of it} And I bounced right over here. So glad you took the time to post, before going on errands!

    I know your town is not Clarence... but....

    My heart goes out to all who are effected by this tragedy.

    Aunt Amelia

  6. I thought of you as soon as I heard that the plane went down near Buffalo.
    How sad for all involved.

  7. These things are always so horrid...saying a prayer right now.

  8. Debra:

    So sorry to hear about the horrific plane crash down your way. We have been in the Clarence area so many times and because I love planes, I've enjoyed watching them come in for a landing nearby. They are getting pretty low when they come in over the Eastern Hills mall.

    Doesn't look like we're going to get down there this weekend so you'll have to hold your wave until later.

    Have a great weekend!

    In His great love,


  9. Deb, how tragic. I'm praying for these families even as I leave this morning to fly Ohio/

  10. This tragedy struck very close to home! One of our members at our Curves is a flight attendant for Continental and her hub/home base is the Newark Airport. I saw her on Wednesday and as she left she told us that she'd see us on Friday since she was flying Thursday night. Another member brought the crash to my attention. When I asked the boss/owner if she knew, I thought she was going to faint. She and Judy had been best buds since High School (both are around 50 now). We finally found Judy's cell# and called. Thankfully, she was on another flight. But it sure brought to everyone's attention again just how precious, fleeting, and fragile life is. Praying for your community and the families involved in this tragedy.

  11. I was glued to the TV all day too...when it hits this close to home it becomes so much more "real" doesn't it?


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