Thursday, January 29, 2009

Out Of The Box

Reposted from 2005--

Naomi has moved more than half her possessions into her new apartment and last night was her first night there.

I'm so excited for her. I remember the months I lived alone at age 19 in my own little two-story house. I paid just $120 rent per month and even back in 1978 that was a terrific deal. I felt gratitude for God's watchful eye upon me and I was ecstatic to finally be on my own.

To succeed or fail on my own.
To stay up as late as I pleased, even into the wee hours of the morning if that is what I chose.
To bring home paper bags of groceries and place them in my own (old) refrigerator and yellow cupboards.
To decorate my little house however I wanted (albeit with tons of imagination and almost no money).

I had four months in that cozy house in a tiny mountain town, and then Tom and I got married and continued living there. Oh my, there were fights and fireworks as we struggled to live peacefully together, but there was fun, too. We often felt like the kids we actually were, just playing house. Beginning a new adventure together.

This morning? I'm feeling the same way. Giddy. And Tom and I are alone again playing house, yet with many pluses we lacked all those years ago.

We now have a history. We've learned to live peacefully together (well, most days).
We're reaping good things from our 26 years of Life Lessons learned.
We have cool stuff. We don't need to save-up for more furniture and things.
I get to make my own Dream Room upstairs out of one of Naomi's former rooms.
I get my kitchen all to myself.

And --

I feel blessed that Naomi lived with us for a quarter century, especially since she was/is our only child.

What is my point? (I usually always have one.)

My point is that life with God is amazing. With Him, I don't have to feel a certain way when certain things happen. With Him, I can be happy for my little-girl-all-grown-up and I can be excited for the fresh beginning for Tom and myself.

God does all things well and makes all things new. I don't have to feel this is the end of everything.

I never have to feel how everyone expects me to feel. And neither do you.


"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." ... Louis L'Amour


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    This is my favorite post so far.
    I love when referring to God you said, "He and I have history now, too."
    That's how I feel about God.
    Like he and I are building a beautiful relationship and I'm can't imagine how I ever got by without him.
    I also adore the final quote. How poignant and true of life.
    I love it!
    Thank you!

    PS I love the naming of blogs! :)

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM

    This was a lovely post about the middle years and your Naomi. It took me back to military housing near Pearl Harbor when we started out with a lawn chair, a lamp and Bruce's very expensive sound system from the barracks.

    Annie @ the View from 256

  3. Hi Debra, You have been tagged! See my site for details if you would like to participate. Still loveing this blog of yours. A devoted fan, Pearl

  4. My sweet heart and I were married for 16 years before adopting. We had that time first now when all of you are inter into this phase I have young ones.
    Our lives are beautiful. just as they are.
    Your absolutely right we do not have to feel any thing other than genuine.

  5. your posts always encourage me in some way-
    right now I am raising my grand daughter who is 18 but still needs raising- I miss her papa being here to help me as he was like a willow tree in her life- I know that someday Miss A-----will leave here to be her own queen of a palace and pray that I give her wisdom to take with her- Meme

  6. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Hello Debra,

    What a lovely post; my husband and I have been 'empty nesters' for a does take time to re-adjust!

    I love what you wrote about having a history with God; it's so true.



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