Saturday, January 03, 2009

I try to keep this blog upbeat. (Plug in 'Pollyanna' in my search box at the top left and scads of posts will pop up). But it's hard to be upbeat today and well, there is that 'weeping with those who weep' thing, after all.

I'm talking about the death yesterday of John and Kelly Travolta's 16-year-old son, Jett. This one hit me hard, which may sound odd, but stick with me.

Years ago I was channel surfing and landed upon the Montel Williams Show , the episode with Kelly (Preston) Travolta. She told how she and John had taken their 2-year-old son to the hospital after his having a seizure (I believe it was that). 

At first, the doctors were mystified, but eventually they diagnosed him with Kawasaki disease. They said he'd have to take seizure medication the rest of his life.

But I also remember Kelly saying that she, along with other parents of Kawasaki children, were given an extensive survey to fill-out, one designed to discover any possible causes of this disease. The only thing all the survey results had in common? Each of the households had used carpet cleaning services-- I believe both professional and the type you rent from stores, yourself. That was it, the only common factor.

Kelly said she felt so guilty that she'd been such a clean freak after her baby arrived and how, now, because of that, her son would have to take medication forever. And how this could affect the types of jobs he held as an adult, as well, and who knew what else?

I felt horrible for her. I vowed never to use carpet cleaners again (not chemical-laden ones, anyway) and renewed my efforts to keep using baking soda and vinegar as household cleaners. In fact, Kelly was, at that time, traveling around the Country, spreading the word about chemical dangers in the home, advertising a line of natural cleaners as well. Soon after, she appeared on Oprah for that reason.

I told Naomi about that episode of Montel and the carpet cleaning solution thing and, about a year later, she called me from her job to remind her of the details because a co-worker planned on having her rugs cleaned and she had small children. I also told a few other people, but well, you know, that sort of thing can go either way. You find some people who take you seriously and then there are others who say, "My mother had her carpets cleaned, like, every week and look how I turned out. I'm fine!"

But whichever type of person you may be, I'm just saying--because I feel I must--please take chemicals seriously. Try to use as few as possible in your home, especially around children. Especially around yourself or anyone else you may care about.


Read the article about the Travoltas' son here.

Please pray along with me that this couple will turn to Jesus at this devastating time for the comfort only He can give.



  1. I was saddened to hear of Jett's death, as well. May the Travolta family find peace and comfort...

  2. Yes Debra, this Yahoo news blurb struck me also. So sad. And no, I'd not seen his mother when she was on this crusade to warn people.

    But I do agree with you... We do need to be so much more aware of so many *New & Wonderful* things. Like many of these *New & Wonderful* things, they aren't necessarily so.

    This topic fits with my {rather grumpy, I suppose} attitude, that not every "Progress," is necessarily good progress.

    And this child's death, is another one of those things which shows that people can not be secure against sadness, simply with money.

    Not that I'm implying that the Travolta's had this attitude. Not at all!

    This sadness just speaks to me, of the wisdom of... That none of us can be sure of everything/anything, in this life. And I hope this makes us, more aware of and thankful for, what we do have, that's going well. :-)

    There! A combo of both 'grumpy' and 'Pollyanna-ish' words. :-)))

    Aunt Amelia
    "On the wind of January
    Down flits the snow
    Travelling from the frozen North
    As cold as it can blow."
    ~~Christina Rossetti

  3. It is scary, not knowing the effects of chemicals we use. On the other hand, what family that has carpeting, has not cleaned their carpets. I would think that virtually everyone has that factor in common, so it may have had nothing to do with Jett Travolta's epilepsy. I heard a doctor, on TV yesterday, say that Kawasaki syndrome is not consistent with seizures. I know a family, who lost a boy the same age, in the same way. He was taking a shower, and had a seizure (he was epileptic) and hit his head, and died as a result.
    I can think of nothing worse than loosing a child. My prayers go out to the Travolta family as well as others who have lost a child.

  4. Debra:

    I must be living on a deserted island or something. The first time I heard of John Travolta's son's tragic death was hear on your blog. I pray, like you, that the Travolta family will be drawn away from the Scientology deception and into the arms of Jesus during this time of deep loss.

    One other thing...

    How do you get the BLOGS YOU LIKE to show an excerpt from their latest post when you list them on your blog? Please let me know.

    God bless you Debra!


  5. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I hadn't even heard about Travoltas son dying until now. Such sad news. Makes one think about how precious life is and sometimes how short. I will be hugging my children a little more today I think.
    Take care,

  6. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I heard about this on the news yesterday and immediately felt SO sad for the Travolta family. Such a tragic loss! I do find myself agreeing with nancyr on this one however. After reading through the MayoClinic information on Kawasaki disease, there is no mention made of seizures or epilepsy. In fact it says that children grow out of Kawasaki's Disease. I then assume he acquired the tendency towards epilepsy somewhere else. At any rate, I kind of have my doubts about carpet cleaning being the culprit. All that aside, I really DO PRAY that the Travolta family will look beyond Scientology (whom they credited for his better health in one article!) and accept the comfort that only Jesus can offer.

  7. i read about this tragedy too - yesterday ... that is so sad ... i don't know what kind of support their scientology belief gives them - but like you, i have already prayed that they might find comfort in Jesus ...

    john travolta and i share the same bday ... year, date, month ...

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Oh my God.
    My heart goes out to his family.


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