Monday, January 26, 2009

The deep freeze is still here and yet the sun is shining! And that makes all the difference.

This, above, is the meadow outside our house. We awaken in the mornings to see new deer and rabbit and squirrel prints in the snow and this window, this window where I took the photo from upstairs, is the one where Lennon The Cat sits and watches the nighttime action. I imagine the moonlight shining down upon the animals in our snowy meadow while they wander and scamper. And I imagine Lennon being enchanted by it all, wishing he were outside, too, especially since he believes outside is always warm because always it is warm when he goes out with me Spring or Summer or Fall.

Yet although our Winter nights hover near zero, they are not still nor frozen, not according to the morning animal tracks we find. Not according to Lennon who keeps all these secrets to himself, night after night, sitting in the silent, dark window upstairs.


  1. Lennon is adorable! I love cats. :)

  2. Oh yes, the sun shining does make it more bearable, doesn't it? :-)

    And I'm not even looking to see if I can find our low, of last night. Because I happened to see that the night before, in a city not too far away, it was minus 12 degrees. I think I'll leave it a mystery, as to what it got down to last night.

    And I'll bet that Lennon has a glorious time, watching all night, from his convenient window. And I agree, he probably thinks it's always warm out! Because, that's what he knows. :-)

    Will you please come over and see some roses, and warm up... Even more than just with the sunlight. :-)

    Aunt Amelia
    "In the garden mystery glows/
    the secret is hidden in the rose--"
    ~Farid od-Din 'Attar

  3. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I bet Lennon loves and lives for his night time visitors.


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