Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Anniversary Number Thirty

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled blog post for a commercial:

"Are you tired of paying high heating bills every winter? Want to know how to save money on heating costs?

Well do what Debra does. She wears a knitted cap on her head inside the house!

She heard that the majority of our body heat escapes through our head so for two winters she's worn her cap. And sets her thermostat at just 62 or 63 degrees (lower overnight) and wears two or three knitted long-sleeved shirts and two or three pairs of socks. And keeps moving. Or when she stops to watch tv or read, she does so beneath two blankets.

This is how Debra keeps warm during winters and how she saves money. Try it today!" シ

Now back to our regularly-scheduled blog post--


Can it really be November 25th, 2008? Can it truly be Tom's and my 30th wedding anniversary? My oh my. Half the time I feel only 29 years old so how can this be? And half the time both Tom and I still feel like the totally clueless kids we were when we said, "I do."

But all the time I still anticipate awaking Tom, having him awake in my world and talking with me about whatever is on my mind, be it important or (usually) not. Either way, doesn't matter. We still chatter like proverbial magpies.

And where probably most couples would throw a big party for their 30th, Tom and I have celebrated the majority of the days of our years. Always we feel we are celebrating something. Maybe that's how real love is supposed to feel.

No, after Tom awakens this probably-snowy afternoon (he worked night shift last night), we will order lunch (from the only place in town which delivers), we'll watch a Netflix movie and enjoy our gift to each other on this big, landmark anniversary--our ancient old farmhouse which we bought this past summer. This place which tests and tries us and is growing us up into better people (I think. I hope.).

And for us, that's about as good as it gets. For us, we can imagine nothing better, for we're as happy together as we can be.



  1. Happy 30th Anniversary, Debra and Tom!

    I agree about the heat. No hat here, but the heat is at 62-63 during the day. Clothes are cheaper than fuel. It does make for a cool after-shower experience, but certainly wakes one up!

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    That's so beautiful.
    Is that the two of you in the bottom picture?

  3. Dear Debra and Tom,

    My most heartfelt anniversary congratulations to the both of you. You have a wonderful marriage!

  4. Happy Anniversary, Debra! May you have many more years of wedded bliss!

  5. Happy anniversary!

    (There must be a gooooood story behind that tombstone!)

  6. Congratulations. I love the tombstone photo!!

  7. Happy 30th Anniversary!!! What a blessing to be married to the same wonderful person for so long!! God bless you with 30 more years!!

  8. Sounds like your 30th anniversary was very nice.
    It was our 21st anniversary. It was a second marriage for both of us. We combined five kids, and now have six grandchildren and two more due around Christmas. That is the best gift of all.

  9. A day late, but more happy days ahead as well as more happy years.

    My beloved's family often had reunions in cemeteries. and more then once we have ambled through them as well.

    happy thanksgiving

  10. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Congratulations on your 30th! I have been reading and greatly enjoying your blog for months now, but have never left a comment. But I just had to comment on this post ... you see, I read your blog from my home in Auburn, CA! Imagine my surprise to read about the site of Tom's proposal to you! Anyway, thanks for providing such a charming look into your life through your great blog.

  11. Anonymous7:08 AM

    This brings back memories. Happy anniversary from one long-married woman (38 years) to another. Don't you think the world needs to hear about couples who stay together?


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.