Monday, November 17, 2008

So I now have a library. And ok, it looks rather odd and very unfinished, but hey... it's a little room upstairs for my books and I am thrilled.

Someday we'll make this a half-bath, but until then the majority of my books have an organized home. Hallelujah.

And perhaps now I can even buy back all the books I gave away during my ruthless days of decluttering before we moved. :)

Those hokey shelves you see are just boards I found out in our barn and at first, I was nearly wild with desire to replace them with real bookshelves, instead. I searched up and down the house and the barn, but could not find real shelves, at least, not ones I could lug upstairs by myself.

Then I calmed down. I reminded myself that what's important in this Life is to use what I've been given--and to be grateful for it. All of it. And it's funny, after recalling that, I came to really appreciate those hokey shelves, so much so, that I've no immediate plans to change them.

Strange what a bit of gratitude can do.

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