Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Here's a good verse for some of us today:

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts... and be thankful." Colossians 3:15

Just thought I'd share the verse which today is sing-songing inside my head.

I am thankful that True Trust and True Peace travel together!

And now I am off to a tiny nearby town to browse through an antique co-op and to maybe buy a box of old white dishes I spied weeks ago. If it's still there. Lately I've been in the mood to stuff my house with stacks of white dishes and place them against light blue walls and pile old books everywhere, also. And make the artful best of this canvas with which I've been entrusted--

--while in snatched moments, praying for the best, believing for the best for our Country.



  1. Beautiful dishes. And they do look great agianst the blue.

    Yes, trusting in the One who already knows what the future holds.

  2. Oh! White dishes agnaist light blue walls - so lovely!

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Thankyou for passing along the verse. I too am looking for peace. I am glad the elections are over but sad over the outcome. Too bad the thoughts of what is or is not in our pocketbooks outweighed the moral and other issues at stake in the balance with this new administration. God is still on His throne and always will be and we can look to him for guidance and security. Keeping our country in prayer has always been the thing to do and that has not changed. On another note, I love your arrangement of dishes along with the accent colors. Very very pretty! Jody

  4. blessings on ya ...
    and i like the verses where God always reminds us all - that HE is the One who actually guides the course of man's history ... it is a comfort when we don't know why certain things happen ...

  5. Beautiful dishes, but will they get awfully dusty and cause you more work?! :<) I have very few 'collections' for that very reason.

  6. What's a little dust when something brings enjoyment?
    I have a formal dining room that only gets used a couple times a year. I also have a beautiful, Victorian-looking set of bone china that we purchased at a fraction of their original cost at an auction. I don't have a place to store them, so I set the table with them, as well as thrift shop pink depression glass serving pieces, and Goodwill stemmed goblets. I have candles on the table, too. The table looks beautiful, and I get to see it every day! Yes, it gets dusty, but the enjoyment I get from seeing these beautiful things is a small price to pay.

  7. Trusting our Father to lead our country.


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