Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Of Coat Closets and Bliss

So as a young girl I always (for who knows what reason?) noticed the coat closets in old black and white movies such as Blondie and Father of the Bride (with Spencer Tracy). I even noticed them in tv shows like Hazel and such.

For me, there's just something about an old coat closet in the living room or entryway. There's something, well, elegant or extravagant about a whole specific place to store your coats and even the vacuum cleaner.

Some things just cannot be explained. (Did I ever tell you I love the shows, Stargate and Stargate Atlantis? Try explaining that--I dare you.)

Well, we moved to this ancient farmhouse last summer and hooray! Finally I had my real-live coat closet. A nice spacious one behind a lovely paneled door.

But razzlefrats! Because we no longer have a basement where you can actually store things (because it's so wet down there), we had to cram Tom's musical paraphernalia inside the coat closet, including one large electronic piano in a huge black case. And we had to remove the pole upon which to hang coats, not that there was even room for a coat in there. Immediately it became the type of closet you hesitate to open lest its contents come pouring out upon your head.


But alas! Last week Tom sold that huge old (heavy, heavy) electronic piano. "The Albatross" as I'd not so affectionately growled at it for years. And not only did that mean some extra money (yay!) it also meant that--oh happy day--there is actually room for our coats inside our coat closet now.

I feel just like Blondie and the Banks family and Hazel and all the rest. And if the day ever arrives when I can fit our vacuum cleaner in there, well, look out. I may just go out of my mind. In a good way. Truly, the wait for dreams to come true is always, always worth it. At least, that is what I've found.


Is there something you consider elegant which most other people wouldn't?


Thanks so much to each of you who sent me get well wishes--I appreciate them so much! My strength began returning last night and now if I could just speak without coughing....

Oh, and to each of you who signed up as followers of this blog--a special thanks, as well. It delights me to see your tiny faces right there on my front page... like a whole little group of encouragers. :)


  1. I've always admired those antique "hall trees". They are very pricy however, so I didn't expect to have one. My very talented husband made one for me for Christmas, though, and it looks old. I love seeing it when I come in the door, or when I walk down the stairs.

  2. I've always wanted a breeze-way. When I was a little girl, all of the 'cool' people had them.

    It took 49 years, but I finally have a breeze-way.

    Although, I'm still sooo not cool.

  3. What an elegant closet. The door is beautiful, I can see why you like the space. From what I can see of your front room it is very pretty.
    In my house it is the window seat covering the duct work in the spare room. I love the way it looks in the room. It isn't vintage at all. But it is something I have always wanted.

  4. Now that you mention it, I realized I've always, even as a kid noticed how TV and movie homes were decorated - sometimes more then the actual story line! I've always noticed furniture grouping and wondered what was on that 4th (where the camera was) wall no one could see! The "leave it to Beaver" house was one of my favorites - from the stone on the front of the house to the stairway at the front door. I think I've always found window treatments special and to this day I'm trying to think of sewing something that is unique.

  5. I love it, I love it! I'm so glad it can be a real closet now! Also I love the hats on the coat rack. Ours holds Tom's many ties. :<)

    If I've told you this already, I'm sorry, but I think of it so often that I'm sure I've actually written the words. :<) There is a book Santa brought me last year (translated, I bought it myself for my stocking!!) that you would just love. It is a bit pricey but, Debra, the pictures are wonderful. Lots of great ideas.

    Country Living Farmhouses
    Stylish Decorating Ideas for the Classic American Home
    by Marie Proeller Hueston

    And I do "follow" you but just from my own blog's sidebar!

  6. um..yes i DO have one of those closets that you hesitate to open and it would be my coat closet.

    i have coats in there and oh! so! much! more!

    None of any of my other closets are like that - all the rest are organized to perfection but the coat closet? um...


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.