Monday, August 11, 2008

Uh-oh. I read Shauna's comment and said, "Eeks!"

"Girl!...You wasted NO time in whipping that place together... AND are taking NO breaks on it either!!! "

I must be giving you all the wrong impression. Honest, I take many breaks, whole days off, even! 

Especially when my head reminds me of all I want to accomplish around here before my mom arrives in October--and it pushes me to complete it all immediately. That's when I stop and reconnect.

I'm learning to switch off all those shoulds and oughts and listen to my heart, instead. For Grace speaks from there and Wisdom, too, and they both never work me into a tiny crumpled heap. If I'm exhausted, overwhelmed and depleted, well, that's because I listened to the wrong sources and tried to do what God never planned for me. 

Or else I'm doing what He planned, but I'm trying to do it all in one day--and in my own strength.

If something is a mess, inside me or out, it's not God's fault. Nope, it's mine. (My mouth drops open in shock when people blame God for their problems.)

Grace gives me many breaks and trust me, I take them when they are offered. She seems to respect my emotions, too, and gives me time to heal, such as on weekends like this one where I heard that so many people have passed away. Some folks heal by working harder or surrounding themselves with crowds, and that's fine. 

Me? I heal by sitting quietly and listening or reading, but mostly by being alone.

As for the above photo, I did some rearranging, hence that is why our cherry hutch is now in our dining room instead of in an unappreciated corner of our living room. (Notice I brought in some hydrangeas?) The white hutch which previously stood there stands now beside our refrigerator.

Thanks for all your encouraging comments. I do appreciate them and I'll try to get to your blogs to let you know.



  1. Ohhhhh.

    LOVE the look of that white cabinet in the kitchen!

  2. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I think the exchange of hutch and cabinet were an inspired idea.


  3. I'm glad you listen to the gentle voice of Grace! I'm happy that you take time to refresh your spirit and your body too.........I think all this opportunity to create is a gift and you don't want to be too tired to enjoy it!

    I'm sorry that many people have passed away. Yesterday I learned that the 27year old handicapped daughter of a dear friend from high school just died, apparently during a seizure. I think I will be quiet today too.......

  4. good post.

    I love that white cabinet!

  5. Beautiful, I love the white cabinet in the kitchen. It makes it look so much like a farm kitchen should, wonderful.
    ~~smiles~~ Katie

  6. Anonymous10:17 AM


    Oh! Gorgeous hydrangeas. Back in the day, they put "bluing" in the soil for the vibrant blue and bury a rusty nail for the pink variety.,..or so the old wives tale goes.

    Anne in Portsmouth, VA


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