Sunday, June 22, 2008

A few days ago, Anonymous asked if that photo of a lovely farmhouse was ours.

Uh, no.

I look at that house and I think, "They probably don't have 1970's-orange counter tops in their kitchen."

But we do.

And in that white farmhouse, most likely there are kitchen cupboards attached to the high walls.

We don't have those. No, really, not a one.

But we do have our old pine hutch top with glass doors sitting up on the (aforementioned) orange counter tops. "That's one way of getting glass-fronted cupboards," I tell Tom. "Bring your own."

Also, we have no kitchen drawers(!) Though, fortunately, the baker's pantry has three. And two large cupboards up on the high wall.

I'll bet that white farmhouse has windows which actually stay open without a crutch and in the dining room of that farmhouse, they probably have walls all the same color. In our dining room half the walls are oh-so-bright yellow and the other walls are a happy shade of blue (I'm just a slow painter, especially when there's unpacking to do and a huge yard, orchard and garden to care for).

Well, you get it.

But you know? I love our poor, neglected farmhouse. Through her eyes, her windows, there are long-dreamed-of views. And after scads of years, she needs a friend, someone who is longing to give her a makeover. To bring her up-to-date. And to leave her much happier, much improved, than when she first welcomed us.



  1. It takes time to get it like you want and is always better to take it slow. Live with it awhile and it will speak to you about what you should do. We bought an old farm (70 acres) and farm house and lived with it while DH farmed the land. That took all our time and money. When he stopped farming and went to teaching we renovated and because we had livde here long enough we knew exactly what we wanted and what would work. I have all white walls and lots of open space as we knocked down walls. The great room is full of light with large windows. Its everything I ever wanted and I am glad we waited.

  2. I bet your old farmhouse has alot of character tho.
    You'll take your time with the house and make it your own.
    I love the old houses. I remember an old 2 story we lived in when I was in my early teens. My bedroom had the old dark paneling, a brick chimney in one corner, a door leading out to the upper balcony and no light switch. I had to walk thru the very dark room to the middle where a string was attach to the light bulb in the ceiling, that only lit up the middle. I could feel the dark closing in on me. Ugh!
    Enjoy your "new" home.

  3. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and soon your country house will be that beauty to all who see it...the white farm house is to easy..making a diamond out of coal is better. Enjoy!! Katie

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Hey Debra,

    That was me that asked. I forgot to sign my name. :)

    Robin in New Jersey

  5. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I love how you are my very own personal "I know a real-life Anne of Green Gables." :) Every time you write about your imagination and your reality, I love that I am reminded of that beloved character of fiction and her ability to imagine beauty out of anything. :)


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