Saturday, February 02, 2008

Ok. I just know that some of y'all are wondering if I miss my old house, the one I lived in nearly 15 years, the one whose each and every wall I lovingly painted.

Truthfully? I don't miss it. 

Oh, perhaps the sunroom, especially on these dark winter days. That room was nearly half-made of windows so there was a 'certain slant of light' in there, dark days or sunny. But no, I was so ready to move out. To move on to something new, even something tiny and temporary. The divine discontent within me was maddening (well, almost) and I so needed a change.

When God wants to change either our circumstances or something inside us, we need to cooperate or else very little will feel right. I could have clung to (and refused to leave) that larger, more comfortable house, but I'd not have been as happy and contented as I am in our tiny (tiny!) cottage apartment. 

I mean, the single mom behind us comes homes drunk on weekend mornings around 4:30 with at least three noisy friends, but you know? She's someone to pray for--someone for whom to do kind anonymous deeds. That's how I view her and her family, the one which sounds like a preschool right outside our doorway.

And there's another single mom upstairs, with three teens, but they are surprisingly quiet up there. And when I see her outside, I always must be the first to say hello--I think she's shy and oh my! I understand shy people after having been one for so very long. So I say hello first and usually make a little remark if she's not hurrying past me. Which usually she is.

Do I miss my old, quiet, retro house, the one with 14 years of amazing memories? Nope. I'm too busy enjoying this new phase God led us to by way of divine discontent. It's an interesting place, another home of learning and I'm in no hurry to move away.

And trust me, I am so not looking back, either. Only ahead to new adventures.


P.S. Did anyone else love LOST as much as I did? Too many commercial breaks....argh. But I enjoyed every minute of the long-waited-for episode--even the states of confusion this show puts me in. ツ



  1. Moving forward is a challenge I certainly can appreciate and try to enjoy. And seeing life as an adventure with God is always the best way to go!!!

    I tried to watch Lost, but even though everyone in my family is hooked I just can't get into it...I really tried...

  2. Lost, way to many commercial breaks. I didn't think I'd be able to get into it again. I was wrong.

    I love how your loving your new life!

  3. Hope you don't mind, but I miss your old house!

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    You have a great attitude. It's hard living so close to others when you enjoy peace and quiet so much.

  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I loved this post! I had a three separate moments today, for three different reasons, where I was wistfully wishing I was back in another time or another place. I've been asking God to say something in the midst of my "partly cloudy" attitude. Your words were very timely.

    I'm so happy that you're loving this new place so much. It sounds like you have some great opportunity to be a blessing to your neighbors as well - how wonderful!

    And LOST - Oh! I thought that was a very nice comeback after so much waiting. I couldn't even watch a few of those scenes they were so intense - but of course I loved it.

  6. it is so neat reading your posts ... cause that is exactly the way we were feeling after we lived in our "temporary" home for 10 months ... even tho' i know our cottage was lovely and the yard great and the neighbours the sweetest - it was TIME to move ... if only to watch how God works in our lives ... what a blessing! i know there is more to come - but that is yet unwritten ... so i wait expectantly ...

    and i really enjoyed LOST ... i was able to zip through most of the commercials because we have this neat pvr machine (so i usually start watching 20 minutes into a show - so i can skip most of the commercials as i catch up to real time) ...

    blessings on ya! and i love your attitude re noisy neighbours ...

  7. Anonymous9:34 AM

    What a sweet new adventure you're on, and what a sweet new mini cottage you can enjoy. I'm sure anticipation will reign supreme when the Lord will open a new door though. :o)

    Lost. Yes, great!


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