Friday, January 18, 2008

We needed to get rid of our large roll-top desk and our black antique bookcase with glass doors. There comes a time to let go of everything in our lives, and well, that time had come for those rather large pieces of furniture still sitting there all lonely inside our nearly-empty old house.

Well, we gave selling them a half-hearted attempt in the midst of all those myriad other details one must attend to when one is moving.

No go. Still they sat there in that cold house five blocks away, waiting for a new home. Our buyer didn't want them--though she is buying our Craftsman table and chairs and sideboard from us, so those pieces are still there, too.

Finally (finally) I had an Aha! Moment.........Give them away through our local Freecycle!

So I used my Buffalo Freecycle Yahoo group for the first time and oh my. What an amazing thing. Within five minutes my email box was full of people with raised hands, saying, "I'll take the desk!," "I'll take the bookcase! Choose me! Choose Me!"

And now the roll-top desk we'd had twenty years and the bookcase we had for 14 have gone to new homes. I told both families, "I hope you'll enjoy the furniture," and while closing the door, I wished both pieces well inside their new homes with their new people.

And this is the way I want to live... able to hold everything with an open hand and never, never stopping the flow of giving which is such a vital part of Life. Of sharing. And of moving-on.


  1. And this is the way I want to live... able to hold everything with an open hand and never, never stopping the flow of giving which is such a vital part of Life. Of sharing. And of moving-on.
    Amen and AMEN!!!!
    Do you remember that is was through you that I found freecycle? That was such a blessing :)... again, thank you!

  2. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Well done.

    Freecycle is a wonderful way to hold on to our possessions a little less tightly and to be able to let things go when others will be able to make better use of them.

  3. Lucky people!

    I had a similar experience when we moved this summer. I used craigslist and had so much fun. Especially got a "choose me, choose me" response when I put my son's BMX-type bike on for free. It went to a nice new Canadian couple who only had one car and he needed a bike to get to work so his wife could have the car.

  4. Gorgeous pieces of furniture. I hope they are as loved in the new home as they were in yours.
    Your blog is lovely.

  5. I love your open heart and hands.

  6. Anonymous10:56 AM

    lucky lucky them!
    next time you need to sell or buy you should try craigslist!
    it's an amazing place where people can post free classifieds.

  7. That was nice of you!


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