Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Everyone.... a tad late!

But I have my excuses, honest. Guess who's packed up her car a dozen times since Monday and unloaded boxes and boxes and boxes into her new tiny apartment? Yes, we finally have the keys--woo hoo! Big Moving Day will be tomorrow, but in the meantime Tom and I have been attempting to get as unpacked as we can ahead of time.

And I love it. Well, when I'm not all stiff and bent-over and when yesterday's nervous twitch on my face isn't beating and making me appear odd. :) But as I unpacked my kitchen stuff Tom asked, "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" and I said, "Oh! Fourteen years is waaay too long to stay in one place. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to unpack inside a new home. Kinda like Christmas and playing house in your childhood both together.

And did I tell you there's a window over the kitchen sink and a big ol' clothesline outside that window, too? Both things I've longed for for years.

But truly, I must be running on Grace. I mean, our new place is tiny. Tiny. And it's not even what anyone would call cute. Well, it's tininess creates a sense of cuteness, but mostly it's all, oh, kinda ordinary. White walls, even, except in the bedroom and living room which have light-grey paneling (and Debra has hated paneling for eons).

But I love it now. The whole minuscule place which we'll sleep in for the first time tomorrow night. And the challenge of creating an imaginative, cozy, un-cramped home inside those four rooms is inspiring beyond words. Even if it is all temporary. Even if it isn't even really ours. Still, I'm inspired out of my skin.

But enough about me and my excuses why I missed an official New Year's Day post. Again, I am wishing each of you a very happy 2008! I hope you will keep popping in here to read throughout my year of new adventures. And if it seems a long time between my posts, promise me you will not worry about me, nor think me mad at you or neglectful or lazy or mean. I'll just be taking a break. And as I've said here before, boy, do I ever need one about now!


Forgot to mention we've been unloading our cargo in falling snow and blowing snow, just exactly what, for years, we've told each other we must be certain not to do. "We must never move in winter!", we've exclaimed. So while backing out of the driveway yesterday I told Tom, "It's exactly like that verse in Job, you know, about having the thing we feared most come upon us. So let's never, never, never fear anything ever again!" :)


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    God Bless you and Tom in your new home! I look forward to reading whenever you do post. Be sure to take photos and let us see what you do with the place.

  2. Debra:

    Have fun packing and moving! We sold our home just before Christmas and now we have until April 30th to find another place...cheaper and smaller. We will likely have to move in winter as well, dodging the ice and snow.

    I waved last night as we drove by, not realizing that you'd be up so early this morning.

    May you experience the Lord's strength today as you and Tom pack your boxes.

    In His love,


  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    It is summer down here where we are, seems funny to sit & visit via blogs around the world seeing you have snow & a cold.

    All the very best for your move - 2008 is a New Year for you both.

    I enjoy popping in to your blog.

    Love Leanne NZ

  4. May you enjoy a happy and blessed new year in your cozy new home!

  5. You sound so very happy and enthusiastic, bubbly, even! And, oh, how that makes me happy for you. :)

    Happy New Year to you and Tom. :)

  6. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Debra, I'm so excited for you and Tom and your new home. Hope 2008 will be your happiest year yet. Keep us updated!


  7. Anonymous6:54 PM

    It all sounds so exciting, Debra! Wishing you much happiness in your new little (temporary) home. Hope you enjoy your time off, as well! That said, I'm still looking forward to hearing all about your adventures in the new place - whenever you are ready to post them!

  8. i was just reading this to leo ... since you guys are following in our footsteps! we DID enjoy our temporary rental too - but we moved in snow (we said we wouldn't do that!) ... and we had panelling in the bedrooms (i hate panelling!) ... so i was kinda giggling as i noticed the things you were sharing were so much like our temp move! ... hope you got everything done today and are now putting sheets on your bed as you sleep in your new digs for the first time! blessings on ya!


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