Sunday, January 06, 2008

For Those Who Asked...

... here are some photos from our new place, or Grace Place as Judy called it (loved that title, Judy... thanks!). Please note: all arrangements are subject to change at any moment a decorative mood washes over me.

This is my favorite part of the house. It's our dining room, but mostly it's my office, the first place I go in the morning with my coffee. The seashells upon the shelves give me a feeling of breadth and distance, two things this tiny place doesn't have, except in my imagination. Paintings upon the walls help with that, also. (Click to enlarge and to see the shells. The lighting on this one actually came out pretty to close to accurate. Kinda cozy in real-life, as well.)

And here's the kitchen in the same room. I'm still quite unfinished decorating it.

The movers weren't supposed to bring along our chest freezer, but it's turned into a happy mistake! I'm thankful for the extra counter and storage space.

Here's just one corner of the living room. Olive-green curtains will go up this week to frame the sheers.

And that's about all for now... Gotta run and clean this poor old house which we are leaving soon!


  1. Thanks for sharing with us. It looks like a lovely place. Grace place is a good name. Your desk area is lovely. Looks peaceful. Have a wonderful Sunday in your new home.

  2. I'm just paying some New Years visits to some old blogging acquaintances. I still pop in every now and then but don't usually comment. Glad the move went well.

  3. OH! Thanks for sharing, so soon!

    I think it looks like the perfect place to curl up for a loooong winter's nap.

  4. Oh this is precious! Thank you so much for sharing these photos.

    Please be careful and not get too tired, with the final house closing things, still to be done.


  5. you've done well! looking like home already!

  6. Anonymous11:57 PM

    I like what you've done. Warm and cozy. More please. It's fun to see your familar things in a new setting.

    You have my fridge.
    Hugs, Wilma

  7. Cozy and inviting!!!!

  8. Your new place already looks like home, Debra! I see your touches everywhere. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. I hope we'll get regular updates!

  9. Love the name of y'alls new home, and so glad to hear you are doing well.

  10. Anonymous9:33 AM

    i just luv the vintage bread box in your kitchen and the super cool antique radio in the living room! you are doing an amazing job making your place so cozy!

  11. Your apartment looks like a wonderful HOME.


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